Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

Will we see wpvp improved and phasing and layering being removed from Retail and even possibly see the return of the World defense alert system to revitalize wpvp across Azeroth and not only concurrent xpack like it use to be before Legion.


The Blingtron units in WoD mentioned an ongoing war with a mechanical entity called iR-T0 in the Magnetic Chasm located beneath the Eternium Sea.

With the Earthen of Khaz’Algar having an entire sect dedicated to maintaining their machines and The War Within taking place underground, is there a chance that we may see this subplot come back at some point next expansion?


I put up a wish list on the realm forum for Argent Dawn/The Scryers. This is the top two of those wishes. Can we get an answer, especially on the new specs for gnomes?

  1. I main a gnome mage (Rubyrose). I have ALWAYS wanted a Gnome Paladin. I have a couple of pali’s and they’re fun. I played exclusively magic users for the first six years I played (started in 2008) but I’ve managed to level up a couple of paladins. It was so very fun to bash things in the face that I want to do a gnome paladin. PLEASE???

  2. Do characters ever age? I’m 66 IRL (been playing actively since 08), my characters all look 20. We get tattoos, facial markings, and colors of hair but none of the classes have an older look that would work. We see lines on Thrall and Anduin in the cinematic for the next expansion, it would be nice to have an ability to add a few on our characters and some gray options for gnomes (there’s white, but that still doesn’t look right.)


I have a few questions, some of which have already been asked above.

What are the timelines/plans for the removal of more cross-faction restrictions? I would love to play other races in my friend groups, but can’t right now since questing, queued content, and other items aren’t allowed in a cross-faction group.

For Shamans, Druid, and Paladins - are these classes going to be opened up to all races, and if yes, when can we expect that?

For Dracthyr - it has been said that the Dracthyr may eventually be opened up to other classes. Is that coming in War Within, or in Dragonflight? How does this affect their racials, since Evoker has talents in ther class tree that affect their racials.

Are there more class/spec reworks in Dragonflight/War Within? Specifically for classes like Shaman and Warrior?

For Shamans, are there plans for updated visuals/customizeable visuals for the elementals that spawn and elemental forms, such as from the Ascendance spell?


The release of War of the Scaleborne was set at the wrong time. It should’ve been released prior to Dragonflight. The fact that Fyrakk was Alexstrasza’s cousin and that he was the first Primal Incarnate would’ve made the cinematics a lot better.
Additionally, almost all of the events of the book could’ve been included in the game, and it would’ve made the story a lot more cohesive. With this in mind, in the future, will we get more story in the game itself, as opposed to external material? After reading the book, it felt like the quest designers didn’t get a lot of communication about the histories of these characters at all.


With the new Hero talents, is this something that you think will eventually lead into prestige classes?


So since you gave Dwarves to the Horde as an allied race, when will the Alliance get a horde model? Will we get a neutral Goblin/giblin, as they are in lore neutral? or will it be forsaken or troll/tauren?


Any chance we will see WoW on Xbox now that the acquisition is complete? That would be perfect! The most powerful pc in my home isnt my pc its my Xbox Series X! Add Keyboard and mouse support and it would be perfect!


When will DKs have pet customization options? Like skeletons holding a weapon similar to warlocks and their felguard. Updated abilities to reflect the class lore? Class rework? Updated glyphs? Heavy PvP nerfs on all our main CDs compared to other classes?



Are there any plans to increase the guild or community cap? 1000 is such a small number when it’s by character count and not account. You’re stifling guild growth with such a small cap. My guild is almost at cap and we have to decide if we need to ban alts or start kicking people who went on break and that doesn’t feel good.


Would you ever consider doing an equivalent system of what the Digital Extremes game Warframe has called “Tennogen”, where the community creates armors, weapons, vehicle skins (mounts), and other items using a program suited for the game and gets put into a vote for what the community loves the most?



  • Account-Wide Reputations: How will gaining reputation work after this goes live? Will I be able to do the weekly quests on multiple characters for extra rep?
  • Account-Wide Currency: Will this include currency used for gear progression like Flightstones, Crests, Honor and Conquest?
  • Dynamic Flight: How do you adjust a mount like Mimiron’s Head or Tazavesh Gearglider to dynamic flight? I assume the lack of wings makes this challenging.
  • Legacy Updates: Will there be any changes soon or after 11.0 for BFA and SL, to make it easier to solo the raids and obtain transmog from them?
  • Collection: Is there any chance we could have Holiday drops revisited, and have bad luck protection added to mounts that are atleast 5 years old?
  • Collection: Any chance we could see more mount achievements added? People have now made it to a 1000 mounts collected. I believe having collection achievements up to 800 mounts is due.
  • Customization: Are there any planned updates for the current races? The WoD models are almost 10 years old and are drastically in need of a tune-up, even compared to Dracthyr Visages.
  • Transmog: FFXIV has announced they will be adding an extra head slot so you can wear your hats and glasses together. Could we expect this to be added to WoW as well, now that scarves have been added too?
  • Transmog: Any chance we’ll see a fix to how hair and hats interact? A lot of people don’t like how wearing a witch hat for example deletes your long hair.
  • Transmog: Could we ever see an option to hide weapons out of combat?
  • Transmog: Feral Druids used dual daggers in Legion, and the Trading Post weapons also include daggers and fist weapons, but we only use 2-handers for feral and guardian. Will we ever get an option back to use dual daggers, even if just visually?
  • Classes: Which restricted class will be made available to all races next?
  • Classes: We saw a Level 13 Dracthyr in leather armor in the Warbands UI. Although it was confirmed this was an oversight, are Dracthyrs getting new classes in WW at all?
  • Classes: Any chance for Class Skins as an extra visual customization option? Having Elune’s Light for Night Elf Holy Priests or all Solar abilities for Balance Druids would be great for character fantasy.
  • Professions: Any news on Archaelogy?
  • When can we expect the Alpha to start?


  • What is Xal’atath? An Old God, a Void Lord or something else entirely? Is she stronger or weaker than an Old God at full power?
  • Is N’Zoth really dead, or was there a meaning behind his new whispers from 10.0?
  • Will Wrathion be present in WW to continue his war on the Void/Old Gods?
  • Will the story of the Incarnates continue into WW with Iridikron and Vyranoth?
  • Will the Dragon Aspects still be around or will we leave them in the Dragon Isles for now?

Classic Season:

  • Will these extra discoveries also include weapon attacks? For example, could I make my rogue do hunter abilities with a bow? Or could I have a mage that plays like a battle-mage with a sword and melee abilities? A survival hunter with a shield and melee?
  • Can every class become every role, or can a mage only become a healer/dps and a warlock only a tank/dps?

For the Delves feature, Will we be able to bring our alts along as part of our warband to maybe give us an ability to connect with our alts in game with them being an npc? How far is the system going to expand?

Also are any of the hero talents going to give us something similar to an Aug evoker playstyle or a “support hero class” subtype?


Who is Xalathat exactly? Is she an Old God?

With the next 3 expansions laid out will there also be roadmaps to each or at least to the upcoming expansion (The War Within) for the entirety of it leading to up to the next one(Midnight)?


I just need to know if there are going to be Wrath of the Lich King era servers or if we’re going to be forced into Cataclysm. Right now I’m very disappointed with the Cata announcement and have lost all ambition to play any version of WoW.


You mentioned account-wide reputation and currency in the next expansion. Is this going to extend to achievements (with maybe the exception of pvp and raid achievements being class-wide instead of account-wide)? As a person with OCD (I HATE seeing “not completed by this character” in red) and a love of alts, this would be a huge addition. This not being implemented actually makes me not make alts anymore.


Will Bizmo’s Brawlpub be coming back sometime soon, or ever?


Can you give more details about the guild changes in Cataclysm Classic? I’m personally looking forward to the return of guild perks in WoW, and I hope you’re not removing those.

Will Warbands extend to Legion Mage tower Artifact weapon appearance tint earning (e.g. Rated Battleground wins, Heroic Kil’jaeden kill) outside of characters of the same class that has done the challenge back in Legion?

For example: A Fresh druid on another server on the same account earning a Guardian druid Bear form Black tint by winning rated battlegrounds instead of the doing it on the original druid that did the Kruul Mage Tower challenge back in Legion.