Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

Since changes are being brought to cataclysm. Is there any chance we can get a better implementation of light well for holy priests. So to give them some type of niche or just a fun new ability from it?

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With Hero Talents being added, would it be a good time to look at the core of each class to make sure they have a well rounded base tool kit?

Otherwise it could feel even more disjointed than some specs feel now from the base class concept.


Will there be new PVP content in the form of Epic Battleground?

Warfront PVP
Tol Barad
Persistant Battles (Like Classic Ashran)


I have a few!

-With how successful dragon riding has been, are you open to the idea of a large scale mount update including ground mounts?

-How impactful are these hero talents planned to be? Will they be gameplay defining, or work more like a bonus to our classes?

-you said 10.2 will be the last raid tier but that Dragonflight isn’t over yet. Can you share more about what that means?

How hard will delves scale up? are they intended to be a solo players alternative to mythic+ and raiding?

with the story being told over 3 expansions, will we have a slower pace to story telling? Right now all major story moments happen quickly and in a few cutscenes instead of gameplay.

What’s the plan for talents going into Midnight and beyond? at some point, if we keep adding, they will come full circle back to the Mists of Pandaria problem no?

with this new design philosophy you have, will class content be a bigger feature? right now there are very few class specific activities, quests and rewards

Will level and stat squishes still be ongoing? it seems we catch up to pre squish values in the span of a single expansion

Thank you!

bonus question will shadow priest get another rework in The War Within?


Is wrath going to be allowed to keep its realms or be deleted like crusade was?


Will there be any “balance pass” or map-tweaking made to the existing rotation of epic BG/40-man maps?

If you’re not going to add any new BG maps/content for casual PvP’ers then at least balance the existing maps a little better (for example: Wintergrasp offense is still considered an “automatic loss” and is generally considered an unfun experience)


We were teased a while ago with something possibly going on with Gilneas.

Will that be expanded on in The War Within expansion?

Also, will we be seeing more customization options along with class and race combinations?



Literally the same way they made it for Nokhud Offensive in DF. There are flight paths in the dungeon itself and you also have the option of riding in the passenger slot of your group member.

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When will Anduin grow up and actually do something useful? He’s been the King for some time now, he needs to act like it.

Hey all, great job on the Presentations!

Hypothetically, if Dracthyr were to get new classes added to the race, what classes would be considered? (Paladin Paladin Paladin Paladin Paladin Paladin Paladin Paladin Paladin)

I’m also curious to hear if there are plans to revisit the Dracthyr form Transmog rules as I would love to see a Dracthyr Paladin donning that new Arathi Plate gear, more than just the shoulders and belt that is.

Thanks in advance, Light be with you.

*Edited after Deep Dive Panel


Thought of another one:

Will we ever get a world rebuilding expansion to reflect how the world supposedly is now?
ex 1 - Gnomeregan has supposedly been cleaned up yet the Gnomes aren’t using it as a home city, same with Gilneas and Worgens
ex 2 - There are still places all over Azeroth that Deathwing destroyed in Cataclysm that should have been fixed years ago.


In regards to Warbands, you said that alts can share access to a bank.

Does this mean if I get a Bind on Pickup piece of gear that is locked to my Rogue, can I access that same piece of gear of my Druid? Essentially, are bind on pickup items now essentially bind on account?

If loot is shareable across the account, how will currency, lockouts, daily quests etc. work? I like the idea of being able to use loot I find one one character that can’t use and give it to an alt that can use it, but I also worry about a meta where I need to play multiple characters and feed the benefits of those alts to a main character.


With the addition of the collections tab to Wow Wrath, are there plans to make achievements account wide as well? In the same general idea that the collections tab make the game alt friendly, why not titles and achievements?


Why are there only Blood elf themed models for Evoker, Is there any chance of us getting Night Elf models as well?


Optional tails for Worgen when?


Is the warband system a step in the direction for a bigger revamp of WoW? Maybe into WoW 2.0?


I have a few questions.

1)Can we expect to see any new Epic or normal bgs in the next expansion?
2) in terms of professions, what can we expect from it and will there be new professions added to the up and coming expansions?
3) When will we see some form of player housing?
4) Finally, with how the current work order system is, can we expect a return of that system with some modification’s to it?


With transmogs becoming available across different classes, can we expect to be able to transmog a 2h weapon to have a 1h appearance? Will heritage sets still only be available to that particular race?

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Are the world-soul saga expansions planned to be shorter than regular expansions?

If so, are these annual? Or are we looking at a similar cadence of expansion releases we’ve seen in the past?


Will we see a world revamp during the Worldsoul Saga? If so, what kind of changes or features could we expect?