Will we be getting permanent wrath classic server options?
Will the old original classic 1-60 overworld be added to retail wow for chromie time?
Thank you.
Will we be getting permanent wrath classic server options?
Will the old original classic 1-60 overworld be added to retail wow for chromie time?
Thank you.
Has there been any more thought or development of player housing?? This has been an on-again off-again topic for over a decade. Other games have figured it out, why not Bliz?
With WoW Season of Discovery adding runes allowing classes to tank that previously couldn’t, could we see something like that or just extra specs to classes in retail WoW to allow classes to tank and heal that previously could not?
Are none of your guildies on your battlenet friends list?
The guild leader sets limits on the Guild Bank based on rank(s) If they are allowing random recruits open access you might want to question that.
I have seen a few questions not quite asked the same way (#409, #838 and #1066).
Mine is again about regions.
I’ve been playing WoW since Cataclysm. I paid all expansions one by one… but on NA servers where my love partner lived ! I live in Europe and my partner joined me ten years ago. We cannot find guildies on our timezone and there is no way we would ever start from scratch on EU servers. It’s not really about the price but about the whole commitment we’ve put on our characters. It took me more than 7 years of almost-regular farming to finally get Invincible in July 2022 ! We collected so much, did so many things, started so many adventures and we can not resolve ourselves to start over to find players on our timezone and commit more to finally raid again like we did in the Firelands and in Dragon Soul.
Please hear our call ! I know it’s technically possible. I totally understand having regions is a technical solution. I get there are risks about accounts being sold worldwide or contesting players that may cheat in some way. I’m sure there could be rules and algorithms to avoid that.
Please, let us play with EU players one way or another. It may be with cross-region solutions to play or a region transfer. Our friends are now here and we only wish to make new ones that are here.
World of Warcraft is about connecting people in so many ways and we just feel like we are being denied the whole experience
Will you give Void Elves and Nightborne the option to be demon hunters? And will you have any more storyline for demon hunters?
I think the hero talents are a great way to develop class fantasy further; with that said, is there a shift in focus towards more class fantasy things to come? I’m sure bringing back class halls has been beaten to death, but it would be a cool idea to have at least class-oriented quests related to the hero talents (i.e. San’Layn quest/mini story where DK’s have content related to that specialization)
For Fun: Alexstraza is still treating us DK’s too nicely
Man I just want permanent wrath of the lich king era servers for life. Cataclysm was cool. But wrath classic has alot of things cataclysm no longer had anymore.
Will the world map be updated to suit the lore size of continents as shown in Chronicles. In game the world looks bloated.
Are there any plans to improve cross faction? When will we be able to queue and do open-world content together?
Will cross faction players finally be able to queue for instances together?
We can do everything cross faction except queue for instances. Would love this feature to become available at some point.
Even to be able to do open world content together if you’re grouped up.
Shaman for all races please
When will you guys realize nobody wants 20 man mythic. It kills guilds and makes me spend time with people who are actually the worst because we need to fill a roster. Let us have 10-16 man! More manageable for Gms and keeps people playing. No guild officer enjoys spending dozens of hours recruiting to get someone who is 10 bosses behind with grey logs just so you can keep playing with the 15 people you actually do like.
Can we have 10man mythic raids?
With cata classic, could please allow us to choose the alpha worgen models
We’ve seen 3D fur on plate and mail armor, ie fur mantles and pelts around the waist. Are there any plans to give leather armor the same treatment?
Everything in The War Within feels so Alliance themed, are you guys gonna explore Taurens relation with Earth Mother/An’she or Orcs relation with the elements in the expansion or anything like that?
Any plans to add more customization to player characters? Would love to see Troll beards!
Last time Raid as a feature received a massive update was between MoP / WoD period over 10+ years ago and M+ already received a massive update during last DF Patch.
Can we expect updates to raiding regarding player size for Mythic, Respawns points?
There’s a lot of Flex groups that clear AOTC but can’t attempt Mythic due to logistics, Let us have a game with a single path for any group.
Will Hardcore be a feature for Retail or BC/WOTLK servers for example? I would love to play Hardcore with a blood elf for instance. Will seasons of discovery also be something for retail in the future?