And plans to make old legendaries like Shadowmourne easier to obtain solo?
Will we see anymore glyphs that alter the visuals for abilities, like the green spell effects for warlock? Would love to see mage’s fire turn blue during combust <3
i would have to put my money on FATED seasons as it seemed to really bring back some older content to life i personally hope they do a fated season with older raids from other expansions.
When will we be able to solo the BFA raids considering it’s impossible to do G’huun and other bosses solo
Retail Question - Is there a line in the sand when it comes to account wide or is everything on the table moving forward?
Classic Question - Is the team open to new zones never before seen in WoW ever with Season of Discovery or the future?
Are Wrath servers gonna split in 2 games that you can pick either Wrath or Cata, just like when Classic was split into 2 games either Classic or TBC back in 2021?
The release of Augmentation Evoker has been dividing the community. What are some of the lessons learned from the release and how will those impact future support spec ideas in the expansions to come?
Crafting in Dragonflight was an incredible glowup to an outdated system, can we expect to see the current system built upon in War Within?
Any chance destro locks can get the fire and brimstone style aoe from warlords back? rof spam is… not great. its been our aoe for quite a few expansions now, and its been complained about and not particularly popular in all of those. the warlock discord is cynical to the point of jaded at this point about positive changes or our voices being heard, so figured i’d take a shot and post here.
What is the likelihood of getting a Vrykul allied race?
Any plans on making BFA raids soloable ? Some still require 6+ ppl to do .
I know last year we had a small comment that player housing was being looked into, but I was wondering if we could get an update on where that conversation landed. Has the thought on providing this social aspect to the game changed? Are you all still trying to figure things out? Or have you begun hammering out plans and flushing out ideas?
Why is Temporal Warp not its own button?
When will more classes, like mage, become available to the Dracthyr?
that would be dope not gonna lie
Is your team taking into consideration the popularity of WoW classic and the return of a more grindy leveling experience when developing content for retail?
Dracthyr were hinted to be able to play other classes in the Warband screenshot, if that is the case how do you plan to balance racials that are intrinsic to the body type such as glide/flap and wing buffet/tail swipe?
It’s been previously mentioned that Dracthyr may get more classes going forward, though likely not in Dragonflight. Now that they’ve been fully fleshed out as a species, when can we expect them to get more playable classes, particularly melee classes?
Yeah, them stating that the saga will shape WoW for the next 20 years definitely means they are shutting down. They stated they wanted to wrap up the loose ends so they can take wow into the future.
what will happen now that we almost have 10.2 on the live servers, we have to wait for a year without content for dragonflight? or there is a 10.2.5 hidden somewere. Also, when can we have vulpera paladins or blood elf shamans, or Orc Druids?