Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

Some classes have received far more feedback from developers (Rogue, Demon Hunter) than others. How do you plan to improve class communication for those who haven’t received as much (most tanks)?

There are many talents that are picked 100% of the time. How do you plan to improve other talents so there’s more diversity?

Any hope for a few new talent trees on classes that could use them? Gladiator warrior and Tank shaman to be specific? Or maybe some support for two handed enhancement shaman?

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We saw in the warband screenshot a lvl 13 dracthyr, wearing what was obviously Druid-like leather armor.

Are dracthyr getting other classes?

Also, when will dracthyr be able to transmog more than 2 armor slots? This restriction is stinky.

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Can we please have player housing that is not garrisons? If not, why is not a thing that can happen in WoW?


God, I love you for this post. Never change.

Super excited about WoW’s future content! Right now I have two questions I’m curious about,

Will the Outland server exclusion for the Blood Elf starting zones be removed during the 2nd announced expansion, or sooner? Would love to see it connected to the Eastern Kingdoms server someday, especially if we are to have dragon riding / dynamic flying.

What is the plan for Drakthyr, Evokers, and their customization moving forward? Will other races eventually learn how to wield the magic and thus allow players to create Evokers of other races, or do you think allowing Drakthyr to choose their visage’s race would be a better way to allow that customization?

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will we be getting wrath era servers when cata rolls out and if not why? Why not keep servers for what is arguably the most intereacted expansion you ever made?


You guys better be keeping Wrath Era and not destroying it with Cata. Most people will quit and have no interest in Cata.


What if we have ideas for new story lines, factions, and more? Is there a place to add for that?

Okay guys quick question.

What are gonna be all of the leveling changes and are you guys bringing in some sort of Class Questing system? Thanks guys let me know whats going on with that stuff.

Also guys what are all the gold changes?

Are there any plans to further expand player customization beyond things like hair colors, including loosening restrictions on transmog?


In your QA with warcraft wiki a new item type “warbound” is mentioned. How is warbound different than account bound?


Deep Breath may be one of the most thematic, powerful spells that I constantly overshoot during PVP combat. How do you feel about Deep Breath’s overall spell structure and is it something that you could see being revisited? - something in line with Flying Serpent Kick being pressed a second time to cancel.
P.S. My evoker is tired of riding other dragons around the isles. I need to stretch my wings

REXXAR hunters

I would like to propose a complete rework of the survival talent spec, and change it into a dual axe wielding melee tank spec that uses pets for dmg mitigation and utilities in addition to parry and dodge being their main 2 damage mitigators.
Some pet abilities could be, grabbing a mob in its mouth and dropping it at the hunters feet, a roar ability that works as a fear for cc, and if this looks promising, this can easily be expanded upon.

What are your thoughts on survival hunters being a tank spec?
Thanks for DM ing these last 20 years

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Guild Housing

What would guild housing have to look like for blizzard to puts its stamp of approval on it?


The alt mog acquisition thing, does that mean we will only be able to acquire the mog on said alt, or does it mean we can also start using mogs from different armour types?

Also wondering if there has even been a thought of having AI dungeon and raid helpers for players who struggle to find people to raid and M+ with.

WoW has it’s 20th anniversary 2024, it has been 20 years of walls between areas, servers and factions.
During these years we have seen the serverwalls fall, gamers from different servers play together, we have seen Aliance and Horde co-operate in dungeons and raids, be friendly and even lately, join guilds.

What i was wondering, will we ever see a “one world, one account” kind of thing?
I am european but have friends in the US. I want to play with them without the need to get another account and subscription. What is the main reason we are still walled in this day and age?

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Why was there no StarCraft content at Blizzcon???

Will dungeon portals be account-wide with Warbands?

I only have the time to play a main and an alt, and I feel soft-forced to play my very first “main” every season because they are not shared and I already have all the portals on that toon. Maybe it’s an OCD thing, but I don’t want to miss a season on that toon. If they were shared, I would feel more free to play whatever I want


This would be nice, but sadly with the US and EU laws being vastly different they cannot allow both to join together unless the US start following the EU laws, think of the lootbox issues in some games where certain parts of EU have just banned them, it’s why there are different servers for all around the world.

They could realistically just have an OCE/SA/NA variant like we have now, but laws in some countries don’t allow certain things to happen like that.