Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

Hello !
With the announcement of 3 expansions and the idea of providing content “faster than we’re used to”, my interpretation is that these expansions will be smaller than usual. Is this accurate, and if so, what made you decide on 3 smaller expansions as opposed to one very long expansion with a lot of patches?


will there be anything done with guilds in the next expansion like guild perks, guild levels, guild daily or even weekly quests its seems like guilds have been kind of thrown to the side thx


RE: Game Secrets:

On Wowhead, under Ordos, in the comment section I discovered a post that says the following ticket response came from a Blizzard GM:

Hey there Warmech,

Game Master Trilieos here to address your recent ticket. I read that you were reaching out to try to figure out how to get to the Ordon Sanctuary since you hadn’t yet been able to do so. I can understand the frustration there and dove into investigating this matter.

I checked into this from my side of the screen and there were no known issues with this aspect of the game or being able to get to Ordon. However, it is associated with a specific requirement that is intended to be a secret part of the game, meaning players need to solve the mystery on their end. We cannot give tips or hints on what to do to open it up and I would encourage you to check out the forums and fansites for that from your fellow players who may have completed these requirements.

I know that this may be a mixed bag of an answer, but I hope that I could expand on the why. I also realize that your time is valuable both inside and outside of the game. So, I appreciate your patience while this ticket was answered. If you have anything else in the future just reach out and let us know.

This makes me wonder how many huge secrets there are in the game that have not been solved and how its handled by Blizzard when they go unsolved for long periods of time. Do secrets ever get removed?

As time goes by, less and less people are interested in chasing old secrets from old Xpacs and I suspect some of them are very hard to solve and require the minds of multiple players.

So my question is this:

Any chance you might release a list of which areas still have unsolved secrets so it might get some players interested in helping to solve them? (A hint or 2 wouldn’t hurt either)

I know the “secret” division at Blizzard put a lot of work and thought into designing secrets for Warcraft and it makes me sad to think some of the best ones might go unsolved.

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Me and my friends love playing as a small group and there are roughly 10 of us. We plan to play Cata and hopefully MoP 10 man heroic raiding quite a bit, but we would also like to play retail at a high difficulty level. Are there any plans to bring 10 man raiding back to retail, potentially 10 man mythic raiding?


Thank you so much for such a fantastic game and the WoW Blizzcon was awesome!
Are there any plans on connecting US and European servers in the foreseeable future or making account/character transfers possible between regions? If not what are the obstacles/difficulties?
Are there any plans on adjusting Oceanic server times to local times so that we don’t have to play in the dark during daytime?
Thank you

  1. With dragonflight, the team has made great strides in reducing the grind required to play the game at a high level. In fact, there is only 1 infinitely grindable source of end game power left in the game: M+. Since adding a loot lockout to M+ is apparently a non-starter, any chance we could see the number of items that drop from raid bosses adjusted to reduce how important keys are early in the season?

  2. on a different note: delvs are being sold (in part) as a solo/world player progression path. In the current design, how difficult are they supposed to be (if you’re targeting max ilvl), and what is the current plan for that max ilvl?


Given how problematic the new talent system has been to balance, how it’s created a never ending cycle of change this expansion, and the complexity it’s brought to some specs at the expense of enjoyable gameplay how are you going to introduce more talents that don’t make the existing problems worse?

as a european stuck playing on na servers, PLEASE


why is there not a gladiator-esk seasonal achievement for achievement hunters? why is there no reward for grinding out the entirety of the game? pvp has their glad/legend/hero and raiding has HoF even mythic+ now has a seasonal rank 1 title as well … why does achievementing not have this style of reward also?

Will we be getting fun solo challenges like an updated mage tower?

Is queuable normal raid (without luck of the draw or determination) something that can be added?

During the course of these next 3 announced expansions, will there be a new playable class?

PLEASE tell me that you are bringing archaeology to the new expansions? I have been waiting since Shadowlands for more archaeology and there hasn’t been anything. I figured that you would bring it in with the Loamm people because they are underground.
I have really been missing it. Thank you for considering it (hopefully you do)


Will Dragonflight content become the new player 1-60 experience once The War Within begins?

I was hoping for playable Tuskarr, still has any chances to become allied race?


Are there any plans to sprinkle in some new PvP-themed achievements to chase after such as Honor Level 1000 or 1,000,000 Honorable Kills?

It’s been literally 10+ years since some of these PvP-themed achievements have been updated, for example I think the 250,000 HKs/“the Bloodthirsty” achievement is from like the year 2010 :watch::flushed::watch:

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As a longtime fan, I’ve noticed a lot of your powerful lore relevant characters tend to have very similar personalities. Characters like Titan Keepers, Titans, Dragon Aspects, the Primus, the Jailer and etc all tend to speak in the same manner, with a deep, slow, reverberating voice devoid of any emotion. Is there any chance you guys would ever plan to make characters like these a bit more diverse with their personalities?

I feel like people loved Denathrias because he was this powerful archetype while also being cunning, arrogant, charismatic but also terrifying. He stood out because he wasn’t the same as all of the other shadowland leaders with their slow speaking voices.

When Azeroth’s Titan Soul starts speaking in the narrative, is there a chance it won’t just be another slow deep voiced emotionless being?

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Hello! I have a couple of questions, please feel free to pick the most important ones!

1.) Are there currently any plans to add more races that can choose either Horde or Alliance, such as Tuskarr or Vrykul?

2.) With the introduction of Warbands and account-wide reputation, are there any plans to let that extend to old reputations, such as ones introduced in The Burning Crusade?

3.) Is player housing a feasible option and are there any plans on adding it to the game (or entertaining it, at the very least!)

4.) Player customization seems to be evolving and ongoing. Are there plans to keep expanding on that in the next three expansions?

Thank you so much for your time!


Q: It has already been said in an interview that Warband reputation shares will not include legacy reputations. I believe that is why so many cheered for them at their announcement. Why are you not making it all reputations across the board including Legacy as that is what we have asked for, for over 10 years?


I have to say I’m really hyped for all the new stuff, but here are some questions based on some early concerns.

  1. With 3 expansions announced in advance, is the plan to make them shorter or keep the same size as the last 2 expansions?

  2. If you unlock the earthen for alliance will you be able to play them on the horde as well?

  3. Besides the hero talents, is there any plan to rework the stablished talent trees of the classes? Monk class could have some look, with no one liking the capstones in the monk general tree, and personally I don’t like the idea of having to summon xuen as part of my moveset, could anything be made to make it an optional choice with non summon talent options that could compete?

  4. Shouldn’t Thrall and Anduin know that Sargeras was targetting the World Soul of azeroth?


Warbands and the reputation, bank, and transmog sharing across your account. Does this go backward so if one of your toon’s is maxed with all reps ALL of your toon’s will now be maxed with all reps? Or is it just an expansion feature that ONLY covers the reputations in “the War Within” I took it to mean all reps because your suposedly “respecting our screentime” but others have mentioned its just War Within reps.