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Will we be getting era servers for Wrath of the Lich King when Cataclysm Classic comes out?

I’m still enjoying progressing my Vanilla Era character and don’t want to miss out on fighting the Lich King. Are we going to be forced to move forward like when BC got booted for WotLK?


I agree, it really had a sense of being the final story to me.

For whatever team, if any, is dealing with non-endgame content
Overall I still actively enjoy the Mission Halls - sending commanders and troops out to do useful things in some of the “old xpac” lands while I continue to quest onward. It helps my character feel like a Commander and hero worth the respect.

I see therefore many missions missing descriptive blurbs, sometimes some pointing to unusual requirements (something asked me to get resources in Torghast ??), and other signs there is some technical debt - some moment where everyone had to just plain drop looking at that and rush off to the next great project.

I feel confident there is some team still assigned to these at least partially, because the WoW Companion App, which is awesome by the way, helps me be that group leader sort of a hero.

Can we have these things given a bit of a cleanup and repair?

For the webmasters of the Forums section itself
I’m logged in as my own self via Battle.Net so I’m pretty sure it has a way to tell I’m already subscribed.

Buttons at the top here are listing both (try free) and (subscribe) which make no sense to the already logged in customer. It should also be smart enough to tell if someone is a “trying it free” user and offer only subscribe.

For the long term planners
I was a player who was away for a long time because I had a death in the family, of frankly the most avid WoW player in my entire running crowd. We, our entire clan of friends and close family, quit cold within about a month of her passing, and we had way too much to handle - -

The way things are going in life, paychecks and et cet, it’s still true, and more than half of us are back - -

But we are also almost a decade older, our reflexes are absolutely not what endgame seems to beg for. Also not all of us have the moola for an e-Sports grade layout to play from.

What testing structure do you use to ensure the main flow you want us to see in the game is enjoyable and capable to play for those of us of middling skills and power?

My dad’s hands are a wreck; he can kind of toddle around a bit in the sky, but he can’t do these dragon races.

I own a laptop and I don’t have an environment where “here kid is a nickel, buy a mouse” will get me desk space to use one. The best I’ve managed is a few scrapes into silver and one extremely recent (accidental almost?) gold. And I’m considered the best flyer in my running crowd, honestly.

When I complained about this during Pre Patch - Evoker questlines require you to master two major aspects of the new flight system, or you are absolutely blocked from completion of the babyland experience and the new race - I mean, I expect GM response to be slow especially when the irons are hot and the world is overloaded.

But it took a little over 12 days for someone to get back to me and when they did that particular GM pointed to my very own frustrated and saddened post on Wowhead, dodging any effort to file a bug about it or advance anything to help others trapped the same way - because I had cranked all my time into that, and no particular other practice of World of Warcraft, in order to succeed at it.

I hurt my hand badly enough I almost missed out on the actual “elemental storms” but luckily (um, odd wording, stick with me though) they attack the dragon isles themselves later.

Can we make it so the Ordinary Soul can use the new world you build for us a lot sooner?

No matter which class we were main on?
edit to enhance this point: people can say like or dislike or whatev about Shadowlands, but at least it didn’t wreck my class fantasy for druid or shaman like Dragonflight did. “The land awakens” okay the class most tied to sleepy people of power has no quests and in fact has one shape completely struck from its available powers at all. “The elements are tortured and angry” no shaman quests at all? Really?

No matter whether our real world gear is the sponsors’ best offers?

It was very hard to invite anyone to join me in the game when it was like that. Please help us.

Can we start with not assuming that my army of alts are because I have a grand hunger to race everyone to maximum level? I hunger to see the old lands attached to the stories again.


I’d like to see Draenai druids; I mean sincerely, one of our early quests there learns enough firbolg language to rescue a bunch of them and connect up with an entire village of them, from ancestor spirits who shape change just like druids do.


Do you think that abandoning borrowed power is a bad idea and will constrain you creatively? I loved it and supported it 1000% then and now! It allowed you to be as creative as possible while not worrying about the future. I wonder if something like Corruptions or powers themed around something other than classes such as Azerite and Covenant powers will not be seen again? The talent trees in weapons ,covenants and the heart were so good! Can you tell me who invented corruptions and the other borrowed powers so I can thank them from the bottom of my heart! Torghast! Islands and Warfronts! Class halls! Without borrowed power how can creativity like this be seen again?

When is Need Before Greed and Disenchant going to be added to the RDF loot options for greens and higher drops in WOTLK Classic and Cata Classic?

I dont want to give the usual im excited about X, but i gotta say that the Hero Talents has me really excited. So please, is this something you intend to nurture in the future ? tell me it is not borrowed power

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oh please no

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When can we expect Classic patches to match Retail patches in terms of the amount of bugs that are released to live servers? Classic patches have been riddled with bugs each time they are released.

When is Need Before Greed and Disenchant going to be added to the RDF loot options for greens and higher drops in WOTLK Classic and Cata Classic?

1.) I feel as though as time goes on, the community aspects of wow tend to fade. Is there anything you guys plan to do to address this?

2.) Also with the release of warbands (not sure how they work fully to begin with) are there any plans to show currency across multiple characters? As an altoholic myself it’s incredibly difficult to manage without the use of addons, and even with the use of addons they’re still subject to discontinuation. If not, do you plan to make ANY currency account-wide? Namely timewalking badges, or similar types of currency?

3.) Can older content be made easier to run for transmog items? I know BfA raids are extremely difficult to run even though they are TWO expansions old. I realize BfA scales to 60 so it kind of messed that up a bit. To combat boosting someone lower level maybe make it so if you’re currently the max level (and the raid ONLY has max level characters) you get some sort of buff to help clear the raid? If this would “ruin” some of the difficulty for achievements it’s possible that you’d need to talk to some NPC to accept the buff and it’d disable getting achievements in the raid you’re doing it while the buff is present.

4.) Are there any plans to introduce more UI elements into the game to slowly phase out addons? One thing in particular that comes to mind is a damage meter? I’m sure there are others people may suggest as well.

5.) With mentions of using AI to fit helms on heads more accurately, is there any plans to make it so you can toggle “full” boot transmogs for races such as Trolls, Vulpera, Tauren, Undead, Draenei? SOME boot models already work but would love to see an options to make all boots fit if wanted.

6.) Brawlers guild updates? I doubt I’m alone in saying that the brawlers guild was a really fun experience, watching people test their might within the arena.

7.) Currently you’re no longer able to turn XP off at or above 60. Any plans to bring that level up to 69?


With Warbands, how does shared renown work? Does one exalted character make all the other alts exalted? Similarly, do characters that all have a bit of the same renown have all of it combined into one total amount?

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With the warbands feature letting people unlock transmogs for other armor types on one character(A warrior unlocking a cloth transmog for their mage for example)

is there any plan to eventually fully unlock transmog, so a mage could transmog plate armor? or a warrior transmogging Mail armor?


Can you please give NightBorne more options and could you please add more options to Garrisons.

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Isn’t that what season of discovery is?

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This is the question I would ask as well.


Concerning the Delves, will we be able to cross faction these, or will we be locked to single faction groups?


Are there plans to increase personal bank storage?


With a lot of mounts becoming Dynamic flying, will we be able to freely choose between static and dynamic flying whenever and wherever we want or will static flying be gated in the new expansion?


Are there any plans to extend the Free Trial level beyond 20?

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