Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

I’d love to see a leveling progression system similar to the Honor or Renown system. Gaining levels to inevitably have them squished in the future and constantly needing to cycle through gear seems like a very tired song and dance after 19 years.

so why couldn’t you guys just give us a classic + ? what happened to “we hear you” and “your time is important to us” instead you make some season of discovery crap …bring about classic cata which cata was not classic …classic was everything BEFORE the cata revamp … and then throw a bunch of monetized packages into it all to make more easy money …“we hear you” funny… going back to that “you think you do, but you don’t” it seems like …obviously blizzard learned nothing when it came to the nostalrius drama huh?

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Dynamic flying or regular flying for War Within? Will we get a choice in the new expansion? I really dont like dynamic flying it make me nauseous, and it really takes away from the druids.


Will Hunters have pet talents and call stabled pet in Season of Discovery?

The War Within
Could Hero talents expand into more class cosmetics (e.g. Scarlet Monks, Blue light for Draenei Pallys/Priests, Druid of the flame)?


With the introduction of Delves and having an AI to accompany us and put talents into, would you ever consider allowing us to build our own dungeon group with our alts as AI? I think it’d be a very interesting way to level up and gear up. It would be fun to see our alts coordinating alongside our current character, as none of my alts have ever truly interacted with each other.


Will trade chat be cross faction in the next expansion? I would love to faction change but cannot as I need to be one faction to find customers.


The end of Dragonflight - it was mentioned that there was more to come in dragonflight - so does that mean we’re getting another Fated season tying off loose dragonflight related story and previewing the upcoming story? with the expected release of the war within being just shy of 12 months away - what will the next 12 months look like?


Regarding the change in transmog collecting rules - Will items currently unlearnable in a character’s inventory become unlocked once the change is applied? Also, on that same topic, will previously completed quests retroactively apply all appearances?

Thanks!! And this is very appreciated!!


please don’t ever fully kill wow. so afraid this saga is trying to wrap the game up and i need the game in my life forever more


The Auction house constantly gets mandatory items over priced in-which makes it hard for casual players from be ability to get best quality raid items the question is , does or has blizzard ever thought about putting a max cap on items like raid potions / flasks / runes and foods , it gets annoying needing to grind for gold to buy items for raid let alone pay for repairs

Which zone is the Dance Studio going to be in? Probably Azj-kahet right? I’d assume Nerubians are a lot less stiff than Earthen

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Alleria is a key focus for The War Within, and presumably Midnight as well.

Will we be getting new Void Elf customizations anytime soon?

Preferably a close to the face beard for men or some earrings for men.


With a new allied race coming and most likely more race/class combos sure to come as well will we also get even more character slots? As someone who is an altoholic for several reasons spanning between having fun playing alts and making race/class combos I don’t already have to role-playing I would really like to know if more slots are a possibility again!


With new zone tech being used for zones like Zaralek Caverns, could we see new ways to do another underwater themed zone and how could it be done better than Vashj’ir?

Does Anduin still deal with chronic pain? The pain he had since the whole bell incident in Pandaria?


I thought of another question! Any plans to add beards to Trolls and maybe Undead? Perhaps also some more facial hair options for Goblins?


Are there any plans for a new fresh classic era server (non-seasonal)?

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Will we ever get skips for old raid content for mount farming? Having to run/kill every boss leading up to the final one on multiple characters does take up some time. For example, ICC, Dragon Soul, Firelands, etc.


do uhave intentions on destroying the game and killing it?

So many questions here… My eyes hurt from just scrolling through and trying to read them all… But for my question. Which i’m sure some don’t care about and others do.

Are we going to be able to go back and solo old raids like we used too? We used to be able to go back at least 2xpacs and solo raids with ease. Now not so much. The down times at the end of seasons(Patches) it would be nice to be able to go back and farm old things out again instead of hunting for a group just to try for mogs. For instance Kil’Jaden is still almost un-soloable to some. Ways to cheese it. But it would be nice if could go back and solo content that is two xpacs old again. Can’t even solo BFA things in DF gear.