Sub rogue Torghast hell

My rogue alt is 197 ilvl in complete rank 7 aspirant pvp gear and both 200 ilvl glad swords.

This rogue is unable to progress passed floor 5 in both of this weeks Torghast choses. Before shouts of ‘You’re just BAD’, this is my 10th lvl 60 and all the rest have had very little issue with Torghast thus far and I have tanks / healers / dps.

It is totally broken for people with my build and spec, meanwhile a standard pve player could come in here and wipe the floor with floor 6 & then que for a random BG and top meters. Something is missing here.

You’re not “just bad”.
I’ve been playing all rogues for 10 years. In the begining of this expansion I couldn’t stay alive as 'sin rogue. Sub was much better…the tables have turned.

I don’t know what they tweaked, but sub is tough now. And outlaw isn’t a rogue - gtfo. :slight_smile:

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100% agree, bring Combat back

Anyway maybe try a different build if yours isnt working? or group up.

Rogues arent that good at taking dmg without several Anima Powers


Yes, Once I reached 22ish renown, my 'sin rogue was considerably better, but in the beginning? I couldn’t even vanish without dying first.

BTW im a Sub Rogue and im doing fine in Torghast.

Gotta focus on DMG and Defense Powers, ignore any gimmick ones like being able to run faster when near a wall or the ones related to the rats.

Forgot to mention

Nightstalker is terrible, change that talent to Vigor instead.

You’re not wrong.

Up until a few days ago we had several powers that would randomly drop off as you progressed in to runs. Meaning you could have 4 stacks of Unceasing Chain Link drop down to only 1. 450% damage loss on that particular power.

Other powers known to be affected included Leather Apron, Shadowguard Armaments, Prisim Shawl, and a few others.

In one of my runs with a group on Floor 12 I had 70 powers. By the time we got to floor 18 (Killing everything along the way) I had 68. We climbed 6 floors for me to be down 2 powers.

From testing it seems UCL has been fixed but several others are still broken: Torghast, Unceasing chain link anima

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Honestly, I’m on level 3 and play everyday. Not hardcore.

But if you’ve made it that far, I think rogues are just fine.

Trying to gate keep what specs are actual “rogues” is cringe.

Sub does Torghast just fine, as do all of the rest of the specs. It is a L2P issue.

I just hate Torghast :confused:

This xpac may not be for me.

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Are you doing the cellblocks or TC?

I just like daggers.

Outlaws are Pirates with swords. Same was combat. I mean no offense.

…you just can’t dual-wield swords and axes while remaining stealthy…