[Sub Rogue] neutered March 21, 2023


  • Subtlety
    • Dark Shadow effectiveness reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
    • Danse Macabre effectiveness reduced by 33% in PvP combat.
    • Perforated Veins effectiveness reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
    • Gloomblade damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
    • Backstab damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.

It’s insane to me how out of touch the devs are with pvp as a whole. All the do is attempt to make the game simplified and full so they can money grab from new players. Embarrassed that I give money to this company.


This change sucks for low/mid rating sub rogues but the spec is overpowered in high ratings. Sub is one of those specializations that needs to be balanced around the high end.


Dumbest thing I’ve read on here in awhile, sub is a noob stomping spec that punishes mistakes, good players rarely make mistakes


Yeah that’s why all of the top rogues in EU are playing sub. Okay buddy.

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Sub is one of the best specs currently at top of ladder, but these nerfs are way too big and the backstab buff does LITERALLY nothing…you don’t even press it ever

This is legit a 14%+ nerf to secret, way overkill. 6% straight dance dmg nerf, plus 2% each macabre stack

Should at least fix Nightstalker, literally doesn’t work…that would be 8% dmg back


since when? its a decent filler when we cant Dance, but the energy cost is still a$%. At most i doube we’d get an extra thousand damage out of this “buff”

Nerfed more across the board, while demo reigns more terror. Some sub rogue must have really beat a bad dev on their lock


If backstab was upped to 130%ap like the old days baseline id understand but now you need perf veins + symbols up → backstab can hit for like 150%Ap (also behind the target and lethality 2/2 etc) .

  • DM should just have a choice node like ferals got w lion’s bite or whatever to buff eviscerate or something.
  • Rework PF to increase fw as a stacking buff or something and nerf tech to buff evisc

Down for generators meaning something but s blades could have just been cut to do this instead.


do the pvp devs even have a single brain cell between all of them put together?

they wanna nerf all the rogue cc and damage in one patch? what kind of drugs are they doing there? or is it just some horrible manager that tells them they have to do this and they just have to follow crazy orders from some executive manager or something?


As someone who has played through all the ups and downs of the buffs and nerfs of the past, I’m really considering just…putting the game down for a while because of all this.

Good time to be a Destiny 2 player I guess.


so its too OP for rogues to be able to do the same amount of damage as monks and warriors do all the time within a 6sec window, got it. nerf em.


Yeah I don’t get this at all. Sub does next to nothing outside of dance/secret tech windows. If they really wanted to shift the damage out of dance…This is only a small fraction of how to do it.

I’ve been playing rogue for years and no joke it just keeps catching nerf after nerf while other melee can do almost the same amount of damage W keying with their M+ rotation we do in a dance.

Oh but buff destro and demo. Yup. Makes sense.


If they are going to nerf both build paths and burst within shadow dance. They should of also buffed:

  • Eviscerate damage (Eviscerate needs to feel like a meaty finisher)
  • Find Weakness (helps with sustained damage)
  • Make SnD a less annoying maintenance buff (not fun game design)
  • Make cooldowns line up better and not constantly desync cause of random RNG
  • Improve button bloat
  • Remove RNG from Echoing Reprimand
  • Fix Nightstalker a talent literally broken since the game was released??

The buffs to back stab and gloomblade are in no way sufficient enough. Gloomblade is already never taken in PVP and backstab is literally used just as a generator outside of dance windows cause we have no other option it literally hits for nothing feels so bad to press.

Bigger scope problems,

  • Sub is designed around burst windows and control windows. Yet burst and control keep being systematically nerfed without really addressing sustained damage and survivability
  • Rogues are still innately super squishy and heavily CD reliant and CC reliant to survive in PVP.
  • The spec has no sustained damage and and can easily be counter bursted in stun windows.
  • Shadow Dance burst can easily be countered literally by any micro or hard CC during dance completely negates the entire window where the spec puts out meaningful pressure. There is no sustained damage to fall back on once this burst window ends. Modern LuA addons and WAs literally yell that information on the UI making it super easy to react to.

Other melee simply just zug with their PVE rotation have little to no setup and can easily burst just as high if not higher then a sub rogue can yet can still put out insane ST/Cleave pressure outside their “burst” windows.


We literally just need to make a new talent tree as a community since things can’t be “balanced” ever.

Other classes: we don’t like getting blown up in kidney shot

Us: we don’t like being effective for 6 seconds and doing eff all out of it.

  • There really needs to be a redesign here on talents
  • improved FW 2/2 instead of improved dance
  • 45 cd dance and FW at 50% backstab should just extend FW instead of applying it since people want to wine about Subtlety
  • Backstabs and evisc need to truck again
    DS instead of getting nerfed needs more talent options to compete with
  • Hemo can return and mop like stuff could come back with the intent of backstab actually slamming

Ever since they changed us in legion, this nonsense keeps going and going and going

There should be more ways to make dance filthy but there also should be ways to mimic the past too instead of this half way in approach they gave us. We were the last developed and constantly the last thought about.

Retribution- a bursty class completely was reworked and given diff options to augment their stuff. So the “burst vs sustain” argument is way out of the window.

-Dance isnt a cd like it was back in the day, it feels like something we “have” to do now to compete with others for 6 seconds.

  • backstabs were impactful back in the day
  • eviscerate was impactful now ran over by gimmicks because of whoever makes these silly decisions

Just as you said above man, people see dance ——> cc the rogue .

We def need talents redone, really tired of being a cc bot for others that get to have fun blowing stuff up. I’m fine w the control nerfs across the game but our sustain seriously needs to be upped which reasonably can be done in talents.


That no fall dam in legion tho… ~ chef’s kiss ~


Yeah that crap was slick, i would jump off my mount and fight people lol. I mean at least then we had garbage nightblade with 15% SV on it.

Whoever decided poisons should have gone away needs to stop designing anything for a while though and whoever brought them back should take that dude’s place.

They keep showing over and over again why this legion stuff can’t fly man. We are reliant on gimmicks to win where our abilities do mediocre damage at best while other classes continuously smash stuff nonstop. Us having all of the silly covenant stuff from SL shows we were last to be developed, none of that is “iconic”.

What would be nice to see as choices:

  • Actual Find weakness, not the chump change 30% (could easily upgrade to 50% through talents) as a choice node versus Improved Dance.
  • Actual Dance where we didn’t feel locked to a 6 sec window to do anything meaningful
  • Hemorrhage when we couldn’t get to the side of a target or behind them. Positioning felt rewarding and backstab cranked hard. Sanguinary Vein at least helped where damage didn’t completely fall off. Sanguinary Vein from Cata/ Wod (20%) could easily be a choice node versus Dark Shadow.
  • Eviscerate, not silly gimmicks like reprimand / technique as the big hitter.
  • Garrote being back (even if it didn’t silence) for all 3 rogues + rupture too obviously, not Sepsis nonsense.
  • Expose Armor / Recuperate as actual talent nodes in the class tree (not recuperator nonsense) or Serrated Blades (Cata/Wrath version I think it was) for 9% armor reduction + 20% bleed damage 2/2 since Nightstalker most likely will never be activated to work.

sad how the spec as a whole has to suffer because of one spell


Makes the decision to quit really easy at least. Time to stop giving blizz money they don’t deserve it.


Bad enough that people trade and bang in the paint till they die so you literally can’t do enough damage especially after the nerfs to counter pressure someone back.

Dh in a match today: lets hit the lock.
Gets blown up by a mm hunter in less than a cs amount of time and continues to bang in the middle every match.

Second lobby
“You’re a bot rogue, you stun so much and cc” yeah no sheet, that’s how we are designed.
After LS runs out, we aren’t doing jack for pressure and even then that can be questionable.

I’d love some type of sustain to keep whomping on jokers but that day will never come most likely.

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Theyre gonna come out and say april.fools right?