Sub cost went up?

20$ can , which is ~15bucks (14.93 at the moment i’m writing this)

Looks like this is just companies complying with the law after the supreme court ruling:

So no issues, 20 Eskimo dollars, 16.50 kangaroo coins, all still the same as it has been for 14 years regardless of US exchange rates.

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Are you in the US or you just trolling? I just checked my account & it’s still $14.99/month & $12.99/month for 6 month blocks, same as it’s always been.

Well in a since i am still paying more for the game soooo…

Anyways I’m done here I found out what I needed to find out. Thanks for all the help, I actually really didn’t know NC applied a sales tax to online services. Must of missed it in the news or they were to busy blabbing about stupid stuff

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

OP found an article on state sales tax increases.

#1 in Belt Buckles. If you think Alaska can out-do our Belt Buckles then come at me, Bro. :smiley:

My home state <3

In a sense. no you’re not. You are paying the exact same amount for the game time as you always did.

You are now paying state sales tax, which has nothing at all to do with the sub fee.

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Texas strong, Texas free!

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But I’m paying $1 extra to my sub cost now. The money still goes to blizzard. But they use that money to pay their taxes.

So in a since yes I am paying $16 vs the $15 I paid in December in order to play the game. Regardless I am now paying more to play the game. You can’t deny that, while you may not be affected I still am okay thank you for being petty

I live in NC too and I just checked. My sub was charged on 12/24 for $17.50. I’m guessing it’s our state tax.

Wow yeah mine was $15 on 12/04 and $16 was charged this morning. Idk where you are but ill take the $1 lol

I think local tax can be different.

No. You are now paying State Sales Tax. The subscription costs the same as it always did.

If you walk in McDonald’s to buy a Qtr Pounder menu says $2.49, the sandwich is $2.49. You will pay more than that at the register because of sales tax. The sandwich still costs $2.49.

Your subscription costs $14.99. It cost $14.99 in 2004. It cost $14.99 in 2010. It cost $14.99 last month. It cost $14.99 this month. It will cost $14.99 next month.

Sales tax, or the fact that you have to pay it, has zero to do with the cost of the subscription its self. You are not paying more for the game.


I think so too. I live in Rowan County, near Salisbury NC.

They’re using the extra money to pay your taxes. You’re charged sales tax if you’re a resident in the state that imposes the tax on you, or in some cases the state you purchase items or services in.

Too many people wanting “free crap” that have no basic understanding that nothing the government provides is free since taxes pay for it. Even poor people get soaked with taxes one way or another. Gas tax, phone, internet, food someone else prepares for you, and now entertainment taxes are the new thing.


$16 came out of my bank account that’s all I care about. So yes I still paid $16 for the game.

You seriously need to get a better grasp on basic economics and tax laws, in your state or anywhere you may move to in the future.

Have a wonderful 2019! :grinning:

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No actually the company is charged sales tax if they make more than 100k or have more than 200 transactions. Which means They pay the taxes on the services I buy. But they most commonly redirect the charge to the consumer. That’s how sales tax works

I got a couple email notices from a couple of online ecommerce/subscription places I have an account/sub to, saying I would be charged sales tax starting sometime or other in January. Not sure offhand if Blizzard was one of the emails.

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