<Stygian Stew Crew> TU/SUN 8-10PM (2/10M CN) UR GUILD DEAD?

Is your guild dead/dying? Come join ours!
Stygian Stew Crew is a guild of friends who have returned to play WoW and are raiding on Tuesdays and Sundays from 8PM-10PM CST (server time). We have recently ended our guild heroic runs (10/10H), and are now solely focusing on Mythic CN until the release of 9.1.

We have experience from Vanilla, TBC, and across various expansions leading up to Shadowlands! We are looking to complete our guild roster with a few select players.

In addition to raiding, we like to push Mythic Keys+. We are looking for chill and laid back players who are interested in having fun while pushing content. Consider our guild as a “casual progression” guild. We also welcome new players who are happy and willing to learn content! There is a strict no elitism policy for the guild. We are a group of adults who help each other to get better and thrive. We believe you can excel in the game, and helps others in doing so as well.

We are currently looking for the following role(s):

  • DPS (Mage, Warlock, Hunter - Ranged DPS)
  • Healer (Shaman)
  • Tank (any class free to apply, with flexible offspec preferred)

Please feel free to add us on:
CLIU#1848 (bnet) CLIU#0572 (discord)
SION#1685 (bnet)

free stygian stew for all members

Still looking for an off-tank and DPS!

Looking for DPS!

BUMPITY BUMP! Come steam roll faces with our guild!

Welcome! We gear anyone who needs to be brought up to speed. Message for details!

Looking for strong DEEPS PEEPS

bump to the top

Always looking for competent players to add to our core raiding team! Message for details!

Stygian Stew Crew always looking to add awesome players to our raiding team!

Free stygian stew for new core raiders :slight_smile:

bump bump bump, always looking for more players :slight_smile:

join us on Tues/Sun 8-10pm CST for raiding :slight_smile:

Continually looking to grow and add to our “collection”, erm, core raiding team :slight_smile:

Bumping! Need more DPS for Core Raider spot! Feel free to add myself or Goatgoat for Stygian Stew Crew Guild Invite!

Great team of raiders here that like to have a chill time, and kill bosses. We also run mythics in the range of 7-15+.

Looking for DPS to have a great time with :slight_smile:

Looking for ranged DPS, boomkin, hunter, mage to join our raiding group

Looking for ranged DPS, boomkin, hunter, mage to join our raiding group!

Updated with new class preferences!