Stutter...stutter..stutter stutter stutter

Is all the game does since pre patch and it’s all it does on beta when I play. Can go like 5 to 10 seconds normal then it stutters for 3-5 seconds. Especially offensive when you’re trying to turn your camera around you versus just when you’re looking straight ahead.

I normally play with full ultra settings at 180-200 fps in stormwind with lots of people around and this never happened before.

I see a lot of people complaining about it actually. Hopefully this gets fixed fast because people aren’t going to pay to play a choppy game.

I have even turned most of my game settings down as a temporary measure and now im rocking almost 300 FPS and still getting stutters no matter what. Shadows I even set to the lowest possible setting.


More people on than normal + new changes = stuttering, lag, latency, long loading screens, and such. Hoping it’s fixed by launch.


I had stutter and then I capped my FPS settings for fore/background and I’ve not had issues since.

I use to run between 110-130FPS and I capped foreground at 80 and background at 60.

NO stuttering.

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I do not accept that as an answer. Even when SL launched when tons of people on stormrage I never had stuttering.


Yeah, when SL launched, it was surprisingly smooth. I don’t remember if there was stuttering in the prepatch, that was too long ago. This is the prepatch and they’ve just changed a lot of stuff. I know it’s not a fun answer, but it’s an answer.


I actually have tried that at someone else’s suggestion, does not work. I have seen a lot of people posting about this issue.

You also should not have to cap your FPS to have a decent game play. The whole point of expensive equipment is that you can max everything out no problem including frame rate.


The other issue I’ve read about is a new cache dump system. While I can agree on certain things I do believe they added even more graphical enhancements/sliders to customize the experience. I use to run WoD on ultra on an old PC. Legion hit and it was down in performance. This could be that same type of transition.

Upgrades coming maybe.

Firstly you have yet to share your computer specs, so what do you have?

Everytime new objects a being drawn in for the first time you get a studder. Log in or zone, and just spin in a circle, all you do is studder while objects are being loaded into view.

Someone really screwed the pooch with this.


Strange I haven’t experienced any shuttering. I guess it has to be on specific systems. Yall need to post this on Technical support with a report.

Yeah there’s somekind of setting that is causing it. I turned my settings way down and it went away.

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Yes same is happening to me. The stuttering has been terrible. There is a pretty hefty post on the tech support forums and blizzard has acknowledged it.

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Capping fps I’ve heard is a huge red flag. It can cause your game to use up a lot of ram

I have a high end mobo that is also very highly rated, second best M2 hard drive in the world (currently) 32 gigs of ram (CL14 at 3600mhz) my bios is set correctly for my timings and they have never been an issue before in any game before anyway including wow, a very well rated 800 dollar graphics card, 1 gigabit internet lan nic card along with 1 gigabit wired home internet, a 850 watt gold rated power supply and a very good processor that is probably considered 4th best on the market right now.

I’m not going to get into specifics because I’m not linining up bait to start an elitist argument about brands and what is better or worse.

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The studder is not an FPS issue so this fix of yours is really an illusion. Like I stated in an earlier post, new objects that are being loaded into view for the first time are causing the studdering. Making an FPS change once everything is in view does nothing because you are looking at the problem incorrectly.

That studder is something being loaded.

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I’ve not had an issue with my ram but I will keep an eye on it.

Other thing I ran across was in settings it was prioritizing my onboard intel graphics instead of my Nvidia card. I defaulted to the card so maybe that was another issue. DOnt know!

That’s good to know thank you I hadn’t seen that post yet. At least I know they’re aware.

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That’s a side effect of capping fps. It doesn’t utilize your graphics card to 100%

Are you using a gaming mouse? If the polling rate is too high, it can cause stuttering.

gotcha, If its tanking my system it hasn’t been showing while actively playing.

Once I made the changes the game ran incredibly smooth. Until blizzard figures something out I’ll probably keep my changes.