Student discount on WoW sub for college students

No. I think Blizzard is just fine charging full price to everyone. They are a business. Not a charity. I’d prefer them to be able to make more money to spend on developing a good game than to start giving hand outs for nonsensical things.

The WoW token where you can sustain your subscriptions for free says ‘hi’.

Because they’re taking the time to learn how to proofread, for starters…

Discount? It is only $15. That is a mere 50 cents a day.

mow a lawn. EAsy 15 bucks.
farm some gold, buy a token. No need to pay 15 bucks.

sorry, but no one needs a discount on 15 bucks a month who doesnt already have bigger issues than a $15 sub.

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I believe I should get a 50% discount for being close to 40 and having to deal with entitled millenials. Think that’s going to fly?


Entitled little bastards. This is why our country is getting so bad.


Doesn’t mean they deserve it.


Gotta love it, alot of bites,and somewhat subtle. 10/10

do more studying, place less video games

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So do war veterans and single parents that struggle every month. I am sure you will agree on that, not saying you don’t. Just that the fact people need entertainment, doesn’t mean it needs to be discounted.

It is why it is entertainment. It is a luxury. It is an industry that takes advantage of those less fortunate that need the distractions to feel better and perform. However, where would the discount end? Maybe just in general reduce the price. But then there will be an ask of another discount. The fact there isn’t a label for someone that wants to feel special based on their achievement in life is basically what people are knocking here: entitlement.

Blaming the entitled, on why our country is bad?

Apparently you don’t know who runs this country. it’s those people who are making the country bad, Not the entitled

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Oh sure yeah. That was for the people who say “College students shouldn’t lay wow”

I agree that we don’t need a discount. A job is a great source. Especially since a lot of job help pay for college. So extra money right there to pay for wow


did you actually even take like 10 seconds to read my post?


i belive students should pay more for games to force them to actually study instead of playing


As I mentioned above, I had two jobs (because you mentioned money in abundance, unsure if you were being sarcastic or not) in college and still couldn’t afford it and a place to stay. Did I say “wow I wish WoW could be discounted and easily accessible to me?” No, I said “god that potato and onion soup tastes so GOOD.” I didn’t even play WoW that much as I was too busy studying and partying.

My account was being paid by a friend of mine. This was before WoW Tokens were a thing. When they became a thing, I had so much gold I could even pay for two accounts. It’s doable.

And not all college students are incredibly unfortunate.

Why are you guys jumping all over him so viciously? I mean he could have worded his post better, but the point he was making is that entertainment services like hulu, amazon, and spotify have student discounts why couldnt wow.

Jeez! What plan did you take to got college? If you do it right it shouldn’t be to expensive. With scholarships and a job helping out.

No scholarships (I had a very unfortunate situation) and my father missed the FAFSA deadline. That stuff is very important. Too important, actually, and uhh yeah… lol. Minimum wage in PA is awful.

36 on the ACT. That was my college plan. Had a job strictly to pay for alcohol and non garbage food.