Stuck unable to get to Zandalar as fresh alliance 50

So I hit 50 without touching BFA a few hours ago, unlocked world quests with the quest from Halford, though now I’m stuck not able to get to Zanadlar via the ship npc nor have the option to start any war campaign quests. I have to go to Nazmir for Magni, but right now have no way to get there (not to mention world quests over there). Is this something I need a gm for or is there a fix?

On this character or your Paladin?

On my demon hunter. It didn’t go to Boralus before 50 since I got the intro quests, and as far as I can tell I’m just getting access to tiragarde sound quests. I got the quest to enable world quests from Halford, but not the 100 resources quest.

EDIT - Just double checked and the tables didn’t fix themselves :frowning:

Also having this issue on my alliance rogue

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Quite a few threads hope this gets hotfixed soon. With how things are and the removal of everyones Carrot on a stick aka Corruptions there is nothing to do. As of now there definately is nothing to do since you cant even level alts since they all get truncated and stuck when it comes to BfA I would push for devs to read this forum and work on a hotfix asap. The OP is not the only one with this issue its quite a few people Vrakthris.

They do read the forums, just not the support forums. If you want to give feedback post in General Discussion or Quests. What makes you think they aren’t working on a hotfix?

Vrakthris is not a Dev and is not a liaison to the Devs. He is not able to pass your feedback on. You need to post in General Discussion or Quests.


I’m having the same issue. Just faction changed to Alliance and I can’t sail to Zandalar, can’t access the battlefront table and Magni’s encampment doesn’t have a portal back. Can’t find a quest anywhere in Stormwind and Boralus Harbor is bugged out due to the phasing issues.


Well at least its a bug and not something super weird with my character specifically. Guess I need to do BFA before hitting 50 in the future lol.

Same happened to me. I faction changed this character yesterday and cannot access portal from magni to boralus or use the footholds on the boat. And the portal to Nazjatar is missing. I know you have to do the entry quests again to open up footholds for that faction once you swap but nothing is showing up at all anywhere for me. The only difference in our toons is that when I was horde I finished everything on that side.

So from what I’ve read, people are getting tickets auto-closed about this and have differing levels on unable to access BFA; some people don’t even get the Anduin quest, some get no quests in bfa continents at all, and some are like me and get stuck at a certain spot (though I’m still seeing random quests around, just not war campaign/zandalar stuff). Something tells me this’ll have to wait for a major patch.

Appears to be fixed, zoned into SW and got Tides of War.


Noice, looks fixed

I have this same issue on my hunter after I faction changed into a human. Now I can’t travel between the continents or anything.

As the original issue appears to have been fixed last October, I would suggest puttting a support ticket in on this new issue.

Same here, I changed faction and couldn’t port.

I went to Silithus, did the quest to acquire Heart of Azeroth neck piece then it auto-accepted Tides of War quest.