Stuck strafing on Sennarth

Couple of our raiders were having issues with strafe/movement keys being stuck causing them to rotate/move unintentionally. Happening in Mythic Sennarth and happens a lot in P3 or whenever one of our raiders was on the ice for an extended amount of time on the other platforms.


Happening to some of my guildies as well atm on the normal version


I’m having this problem as well. Please Blizzard, love of god fix this.


Anyone else have this problem? I feel like I’m crazy, but it was happening for hours.


Anyone manage to find out how to resolve this bug?


Still broken for me. I had to learn to work through it on mythic. Thankfully I am a healer, so I could just spin on stairs for 30 seconds helplessly. I really need a fix for this, this isn’t fair. I tried changing my race, didn’t fix it. Next week ill try no addons.


Still extremely broken. I sat because I couldn’t stop spinning and I would die to a tornado. DK also had to sit because he was also spinning.


3 of us had the same issue on mythic tonight.


Has anyone found a probable cause/solution for this? I cannot even do mythic Sennarth with my guild because of how bad my character spins on this boss, and its ONLY on this boss in mythic, and on the ice. I did LFR and was fine.

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I have not tested it yet but a guy on the Competitive WOW subreddit claims you can fix it by only using one movement key/mouse click at a time. I still cannot believe this bug is happening.

F THIS BUG happens on all my chars has to be binding related or something didnt start till his week - fix before prog raid this weekend please


Blizzard pls fix this bug, me and my tank cant do the prog mythic with this problem

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i’m spinning on this boss as well pls blizzard fix this

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Confirmed still happening, blizz fix your sh** what did you change


Bumping because it is driving me mad.


I don’t see this mentioned anywhere in the blue posts for this week. Please tell me this is being fixed.

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I haven’t had this happen on Sennerath, but I have had it happen a few times in other content. It usually happens when I am using left+right click to steer my character while flying or riding a ground mount. I found that doing /reload fixed the issue for me (albeit temporarily until the next time it happens).

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Still broken on the fight tonight. Is there anything else I should do? This is not a minor bug.

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I think it may just be a matter of waiting, unfortunately. It is definitely not a minor bug and additionally incredibly embarrassing.

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Also happening to me during mythic prog, which is way less than ideal. I have deleted cache, unplugged and replugged keyboard, and just about everything else to fix it. I have found only using one movement key helps but in times where I have to dodge the mythic tornado mechanic, I will try to veer to the side and get stuck endlessly spinning unless a priest or evoker grabs me. Plz fix this!

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