I am a rank 6 hunter that came to a server to play with friends. Recently they quit and I would like to go back to my original server - Benediction. How come all these servers are transfer locked ? When do you think they’ll open ?
The server is full and will not unlock until it is deemed “not full”.
OP is not “stuck on” any server. OP wants to transfer to a locked server. That’s 3 or 4 out of 35 servers. So OP is not stuck. OP has around 30 servers they can transfer to.
But OP is correct. OP cannot do what they “want” to do – play on Benediction.
Beautia is also correct. A locked server will become unlocked when fewer players on it are trying to play at the same time. Blizzard is responding to players. Blizzard won’t decide “when”.
I doubt it will be anytime soon.
Pretty soon, unless some major new content release comes out… owait…
Have you tried recently? Benediction was unlocked when layers were removed if memory serves.
It’s 10 servers out of 41 (see blue sticky Character Transfer Restrictions -- Updated 21 August) and according to Ironforge.pro those 10 servers represent 43% of the population of WoW Classic. People reasonably want a way to play with their friends.
Bene is still locked, but not layered.
I’ll tell you what I told the other guys who wanted to transfer to a locked server.
"Blizzard has targeted you for elimination."
They are probably going to announce AQ any day now and I suspect that will keep people playing, so I wouldn’t expect them to reopen until the hype from the war effort and AQ opening has died off which will probably be quite some time.
I might be wrong, but I wouldn’t sit around waiting for them to open if I were you, I’d find another server if you don’t like your current server.
Is there a reason it doesn’t say “Locked” like Whitemane/Herod/Faerlina?
Because new characters are allowed. There are two tiers of full realms. Locked realms don’t allow new characters either and I believe are just the three that you mention, other full realms like Grobbulus don’t allow transfers but do allow people to roll fresh.
Locked = no creation of toons
No Transfer = only indicated in this forum in the thread for it
I actually don’t agree with locking realms at all. I think that all full realms should be like Benediction and Grob where you can create new toons, but can’t transfer. If servers are locked for a long period of time, the problem with people having trouble finding legitimate groups while leveling and rampant paid boosting instead is only going to get worse.
Atleast this will give the OP a chance to reroll on benediction into a class that has viable DPS