Stuck in updating

I’ve been stuck in updating for over an hour, and I am unable to launch the game.

If WoW installation stuck on Apple Silicon Mac, follow these steps.

  1. Reinstall ‘’ : Reinstalling ‘’ might help counter the issue. You shouldn’t use the Trash to delete the app. Residue files may still cause the problem. Use AppCleaner (Search on Google) to delete all related files and install fresh ‘’

  2. Reset ‘Privacy & Security’ : Open ‘terminal’. Type ‘tccutil reset All’

  3. Grant permissions to ‘Agent’ : Granting ‘Full disk access’ and ‘App Management’ permission to ‘Agent’ might help resolve the issue. Open ‘System Preferences’. Go to ‘Privacy & Security’. There are 2 agent on the Mac. Give the permissions to each of them.

  • /Users/Shared/
  • /Users/Shared/ (4 digits might different)
  1. Check permission : Read & Write permissions should be granted for ‘Everyone’. If not, ‘BLBZNTAG00001389’ or ‘The CAS system was unable to initialize’ may occur. Go to ‘Applications’ Right click ‘World of Warcraft’ folders to check its properties. Check if ‘Everyone’ has Read and Write permission. If not, add manually and apply for all sub folders.

  2. If ‘Agent would like to make changes’ message pops up, close it immediately. This is likely because of Agent’s attempt to add self signed certificate to system keychain. However, we don’t need such things to install and update the game. Update will resume as soon as you close the dialog box.

  3. Copy ‘indices’ folders : This is the last resort. It seems that the update (installation) starts only after ‘indices’ folders are updated. So if ‘indices’ fails to update, the whole process are stuck. You need to prepare WoW clients on Mac or PC. From there, copy ‘indices’ folders and paste to the Mac. The update (repair) should work.

If new patch or hotfix are released and the update is stuck again, repeat above step 6.

I tried all of the above it still wouldn’t work. I went back and uninstalled again, went into the users/shared folders and deleted and blizzard folders, restarted and reinstalled everything, turned off my antivirus (Avast). I uninstalled WOTLK, reinstalled it and it worked! After that I was able update Classic and the Retail.

This is all too wonky.

WoW on Mac is notorious for being problematic

It sure is- I run it from a USB drive too which is an extra layer of stupid.

Hi folks. I’ve solved this problem. Read original post I made.

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