Stuck in old guild after transferring servers

To be fair, that isn’t the only response you received. As I said, both Game Masters tried some troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue. The second one jumped onto the character to see if they could confirm the issue was happening or resolved. The last GM mentioned the UI reset, as I mentioned earlier, because if they can’t see what you are it often means it is on the client side.

Obviously, if it is not resolved after a complete UI reset, etc… there is more to it and more is needed.

I suppose it depends on what your ultimate goal is. If you want to be on the new realm, we need to try and fix the character.

The first of your more recent tickets is probably the better of the two as you go through clearly on what you have done. Point #4 can cause a bit of an issue since you basically close indicating you want a refund. I’d probably close out both tickets and open a new one using “Purchase failure”, clarify what steps you have done exactly how you have in your ticket, but leave out #4.

I would actively link the URL from this thread in your ticket description, don’t edit it in.

Now if you just want to try and refund the transfer, then leave that second one open and close the first.


Whatever the GM did today fixed the issue. I’m on the desired server and I’m able to interact with my [new] guildies.

Thank you.


I am still having the same issue. Should I put in a ticket?

I would. It sounds like it’s something a GM is able to give a nudge to. Use the Purchase Failure option that Vrak linked above and maybe even reference this thread.

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Problem solved, thanks!!