Stuck at the 1800 Wall for Two Weeks

Been trying to grind out to 1800. Got a good group and went up to 1797, but have been batted down since through a mix of bad luck (Seething Shore x 3 in a row for example) and groups falling apart, or getting matched up against glad teams and getting promptly smacked into oblivion. Sitting at 1745ish right now or something - who knows. At the very least I’ve gotten 3 mounts out of this effort but still, this is getting really old.

I plan on forming a guild RBG group for more consistency, but I want to hit 1800 before I go and trash my rating in building that group up.

Any advice would be awesome.

No advice from me but since you’re closer to your goal than I am, giving you all the leftover good luck that I have (Might not be much). Don’t look at my RBG rating, my YOLO groups have been very unlucky… =(

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My advice would be to run as a tank with 3 disc priests 2 shadow priests 3 boomkins and a rogue and just clap cheeks

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I was at that wall for about 2-3 weeks. Main thing is continually improving as a player and being constructive after each loss. Second thing is being more selective about the teams you join. Look up every lead before joining and if they are under the rating they are advertising, then don’t join. Also check a few people when you join the team, and if they are below the rating required, politely leave. I use addons from check-pvp and arenamaster to do this

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I wish you the best of luck, spent around a week and half around 1800 and got the rating on my 203rd game of the season. Inspect the people in your group and only settle for those at your level or above. I personally have formed and lead all my groups since the first game of the season. (Its probably easier to do so on horde)

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Work on your mechanics in arena, and try to network with better healers.

Id Park it if all you need is 6.6k, you can get that in a day doing norms, but the buffer is 30 points.

Edit: and grats on 1800.

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Aren’t rbgs great!


That might be the worst comp I’ve ever heard of in my life.


I posted a down and dirty RBG guide a while back that is meant to be short, sweet and easy to understand. It’s prob a pretty good starting point if you want to get a lay of the land for how to organize your RBGs.