Stuck at "logging into game server"

happened about an hour ago. Still cant log in. On Dreamscythe


also getting this. was in raid when it happened. dc’d and can’t get back in

probably getting ddos’d again

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yeah that was my assumption too but hadn’t seen any post or threads here

havent been able to log in for an hour bros

Same here I haven’t been able to connect to any blizzard game for the past hour.

Same here. It’s crazy that when something happens for all of us, there’s no official word for an hour and going.

we are cooked. together. gg

agreed. some sort of official post would be nice. or at least an acknowledgement here at the very least

Glad we are in it together brethren. This is crazy, I was in a dungeon :sob:

having the same issue here - same situation.

Support site is down as well, cannot submit a ticket.

Im having the same problem. I was online and then dc’d, now I can’t login and keep getting error code WOW51900328

i i was on, for a bit, would get a dc but i could maybe do a little, now . i cant even get to the char select screen before getting 51903006

Having the same issue was booted off. Stuck at logging in to game server been half hour or more.

anyone been able to log in? cant log in since like 130 pst

haven’t been able to login or access bnet website for multiple hours now and I’ve tried a lot of different things, I can log in just fine through my mobile data though

I can login, it’s just slow. And I get kicked every 10-15 minutes.

Same, I thought it was just me. Violent disconnects ( no warning, lag,etc) just da boot. Then stuck at logging in to servers. If i do get in my game does some weird stuff like telling me a character already exists with that name…well duh yeah me.

Feels less like DDOS, more like login que issues, it’s been fine all day, problems just started once primetime arrived. Yes, i get DDOS is like super primetime.

Illidan- crazy lag then DC, stuck in logging into game server for ~1 min, then reconnected, DC’d a bit later, now it won’t pass logging into game servers.

Also on Illidan, but not experiencing this. Wondering if a major hub (that ISPs share) is out somewhere instead of the servers.