Struggling to Play Because of Addons

improve their game mech ≠ telling you whats the next boss/pack move

And weak auras isnt just telling you whats the next boss/pack move.

Its so much more. That is just a very small portion of what it does.

Why are timers evil?

its worse than dbm

Yeah. UI improvements are horrible. (like the number one thing WA is used for)


you shouldn’t be able to see your enemies’ cds but track them with your mind and knowledge of it

And you shouuldnt be able to have a good ui!

ask blizzard for better ui then

Ask blizzard to implement weak auras?

Weird take.

did they implemented a new ui in df? is it weakauras?

No its horrible.

Its why I use weakauras.

Because i want the customization of weak auras.

how its so clean

It doesnt display the information how I like it.

Its pretty horrible. The QoL UI improvements of WAs are great.

Such as?
90% of my addons are disabled and out of date.
Details and sometimes I’ll update DBM if I’m rusty. What is required just to play?

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so make a new customization set to just show what already exists in the ui but in whatever way customers like
I mean they re halfway in df

What customers like is near limitless customization that comes with WA.

It would be nice if Blizzard would make their base UI better so we wouldn’t need third party addons but that would cost Blizzard money and it is way easier for them to just let others do the work.

There are no addon requirements.


I know nothing about TSM, I use WAs for accessibility that isn’t implemented in game (I don’t raid) and DBM yelling at you to get out of something that the base game tells you to get out of is irrelevant. It’s also existed since Vanilla under a different name.


is it to hard to play the game the way it is for some?

Yes, the UI is terrible at conveying information. I have 2+ bars of buffs at any given time in instances, most of which I do not need to see.

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No addons are required to play this game.


I play with a minimal amount of addons, nothing that interferes with my UI, nothing that impacts my ability to do dungeons/raids, no damage meters, nothing.

So losing my addons every patch doesn’t really affect me. I can turn them off until they’re updated and lose nothing.

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