Struggling to Play Because of Addons

I’m finding myself wanting to play WoW, but I cannot seem to get back into it because of the pure amount of addon requirements for the game. Found myself logging in to only log off because addons need to be updated… feels unplayable without them at the same time, too.

Not sure if unpopular opinion, but it’d be great to see these addons scaled back.

EDIT: For those who want the TLDR on this post. We’ve basically come to the agreement that addons are REQUIRED for specific content (M+, PvP, raiding). While Blizzard doesn’t require them to be installed on your PC to run this content, socially we must. Just like people don’t want to bring a bad spec to a fight. I do not find enjoyment in doing all external activities it takes to ‘play the game’. All I want to do is arena. There’s so much extra things I have to do, and sit in 30+ min queues, before it’s even remotely playable. That’s the problem. Adding additional barriers for entry is insane.


They’re YOUR add ons, dude. Scale them back yourself.

I don’t use any add ons in retail, myself. In Classic I only use questie for the runes and map add ons for the coordinates since nobody wants to ever give actual directions.

It’s entirely your choice to use the add ons. If you don’t want to use them, STOP USING THEM.


Dependency issue.


What is the

At most we could be talking about what…2? 3?


Blizz needs to ban a couple of addons TBH

The three addons I would ban is:

Weak Auras



At least we still get tell me when and bigwigs, right?


Just uninstall some? I fail to see the issue here, other than you setting up your own ui like the molten core meme.


Yeah, unless you are a progression raider or high level PVP’er you could easily get by with 3 or 4. (It would be 3 but they split DBM/Big Wigs into 2 addons with separate info for dungeons and raids)


I have played for years and I have never used add-ons. I know to some this statement is insane and I must be crazy.

I have never used add-ons and I don’t see myself needing them at this point.

If their causing chaos then see which ones you really need and which ones you don’t.


Man, tbh outside of DBM/BW and Weak Auras, I dont know what would be a “requirement”

Even then, you could ditch DBM/BW (and their dungeon variations) for only weak auras.

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my bigwigs was 6 versions out of date at one point.

I updated cause pull timer didn’t show for dbm users.

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I guess I consider recount/details as a requirement so you can see your performance. But I guess you could get by with asking someone else to post the report.

my details was like 20 versions out of date at some point pretty sure.

you would make the game 100x better fr


I would say if you are doing content where looking at your performance is a requirement, warcraft logs will be right there.


What about forcing people to use the horrible default UI, makes the game better?


if you think its horrible ask blizzard to improve their game instead of making they lazy with addons

But why do you hate near limitless customization and why do you want it removed?

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never said I hated, said it would make the game so much better

bc it will force you to play the game the way it is without third program help and ui gameplay like dbm telling you what to do

Ok. But you said Blizzard should add those things?