Struggling to make a void elf

What i would give for shadow mend to come back and for shield and feather to be shadow glyphs.

Do that and make shadow form automatically start and end from combat and id main it in a heart beat.

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Oh I forgot about levitate and the Feather speed boost… I use those all the time. That would be nice to have glyphs for too.

Imagine if they had a talent that would allow for automatic shadow form for those who want it. (or if they just made it so you can still toggle it on and off out of combat.)

Also I’d love glyphs for shadow priest abilities to be Light colored too…

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mage, warlock or priests, they match well with magicians

I want a glyph of the old shadow form so bad

comparison :

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Oh 100%

I basically just want the worgen racial but for shadow haha

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Honestly I’m a way bigger fan of the Epic PVP mage set. Most of the tier sets are actually solid, though. I’ll even be able to mix and match hunter’s.

Don’t do it. Elves are boring and annoying