Struggling to make a void elf

Don’t make one then

Choose a good race



No elves. None. Periodt.

the void elf weapons are not race specific to use or unlock.

I knew about not being race specific to use, i didn’t know i could use another race to unlock them. i guess i just looked too much into the whole void elf angle. Cause I was wanting the weapons so i could use the bow on my blood elf hunter, and the other weapons for other characters

Yeah, if you just want the weapons, just do the dark heart questline with a lvl 70 character

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Yeah… If Void Elves could’ve still been paladins i would’ve made one of those. But lore-wise I can see why they wouldn’t be able to be that. Sucks, cause the shield and flail would’ve looked good for a velf pally. i’ll figure who else i can use them on though

plays a vulpera :rofl:

Damn, your mogs and overall character looks are always S tier

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Aww thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I can’t stand Priest due to no interrupt and people crying about PI. So, I’ll vote Assa Rogue. The void theme set is on fire. :fire: :fire:

I plan to make one. I always liked Assa spec.

As an Arcane Mage main myself I am biased towards that, but for a more practical option, I’d say Priest since it lets you fulfill both the dps and healing roles, and shadow spec offers thematic investment as well. Death Knight also offers two roles, but doesn’t give you the shadow/void class themes like Priest does.

I think they removed the server cap some time ago. so if you want to funnel all 65 of your characters in a single realm go for it lol

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Warrior and rock that one cata-era pvp set that’s like a void-knight looking suit of armor.

funnily enough, there is a void elf npc using that combination.

I’m quite partial to the Shadow Priest myself. Really feels nice for Void Elves.

  1. Can have max characters on one server.

I love casting void magic but there are a few things i do dislike.

  1. you also cast lots of holy spells which feels weird for when youre aiming for a pure void fantasy

  2. shadow form obscures the racial proc and thats half the fun of the race haha

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I actually rarely cast any holy spells myself. Spec it right and you can get around a lot of em. I think the only two I regularly cast that are holy based things are the Shield and Flash of Light when I need direct healing.

I do get the annoyance of having to cast any holy spells though. Wish they’d give us a glyph for Flash of Light and Power Word Shield at the very least to make them void colored.

I don’t mind this myself due to always being in Shadow form for the most part. Though I’d love to have the ability for my Shadow Form to just look like the EE form. I barely pay enough attention when not in void form to notice when it procs. >.>

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mage. void elf mage always.