I began the War Within quest line today. Made it through Silithus into Dalaran and aided the three people. Upon turn in to Kadgar I got no further quest. My wife received Strengthen the Wards quest to continue, and I received no such quest. My account shows the Epic edition of TWW. Help.
From what I can see you completed Citizens of Dalaran. You should also have Strengthen the Wards and Meet the Team available in the Chamber of the Guardian.
I am having this problem too. I completed meet the team and the one to help dalaran citizens but Strengthen the wards doesn’t show up in Chamber of the guardian. I leveled from 70-80 through timewalking dungeons and now I am looking to do the story line.
I’ve tried logging off and logging back on.
Exiting the game completely and coming back in.
Neither of these steps have resolved it.
Try tracking low level quests.
Yes that resolved it . I am not sure why I didn’t think of it but I guess I had thought the quests scaled to our level for some reason. Many thanks!!