You think i’m some old fart, or share the same sentiment as older people (Wah streamers bad wah?) no. I watch streamers a couple times a week, but I think they aren’t helping.
I’m not talking about the FF14 bandwagon migration that was started, i’m talking about their critiscm. Most WoW youtubers/streamers that are popular are embroiled in hardcore content. I.E cutting edge raiding, high end PVP. The critiscm they spout usually is directed towards gearing systems, raiding content.
The fact is, WoW has some of the best endgame PVE systems of any MMO. Calling me out for my bull? I have played FF14, i’ve done savage and ultimate (Equivalent of mythic). The fights are much more boring. They’re longer, but there are less people. More responsibility, but more lonely.
WoW has boss design, class combat, and raiding down to a T. The biggest issue is the motivation. People have no need or want to do anything else other than PVP/PVE. This is where WoW fails the most. The content inbetween the lines.
Please stop focusing on your classes. Almost all the classes feel great to play. Stop focusing on your raiding bosses and gear. Yes people are crying about how bad sockets are and conduits etc but they do not understand why. It’s not because of DPS numbers, it’s because they feel NOTHING when they get them, when they use them. Create content like player housing, something players can work towards that isn’t gear and endgame system. Work on professions. Things that give the game life. Farming, like in MoP, something. These systems will give life to the game. Not daily meaningless drivel, but daily MEANGINGFUL drivel, where players want to work towards it.
Stop listening to the streamers. They are reflecting the voice of the minority of players. If you think gearing/conduits is killing WoW, you are a brainwashed fool. It’s a content drought. We have enough M+, it feels great. We have enough raiding systems, feels great. Add something BETWEEN the lines. World quests to get anima to upgrade sanctum? Not enough. We need more life, more something that isn’t in oribos, or the same zone, something cross-continent you can upgrade towards. Spanning questlines like in legion. Garrisons, but without the lonlieness and repetitive tables. This is what you need.