No, he didn’t. He proved that SQUELCHES were an automated thing. A temporary deterrent to combat gold sellers and overall spam that would fall off after approximately 24 hours.
That was and still is widely known info and not disputed.
He was later unsquelched but subsequently suspended for openly abusing the report system.
Then why did it take several days for the OP of this thread?
Doesn’t seem like it’s automated or instant…because we know it’s not.
That streamer (no I won’t help get them more views by clicking your links) abused the system, got a SQUELCH (which was in the game for years before they “tested” their theory) and then received an account action for abusing the system.
It’s okay to be wrong. It’s best not to spread false info in this particular forum though
I feel like the thread is going over the rails. Doesn’t feel like they’re here to talk about it (can’t really do such as it’s just a slippery slop), and trying to debate on it would get it lock.
SQUELCH is automatic and designed for gold spammers. It has been in the game for over a decade, years before he thinks he discovered it. Enough reports from unique accounts in a short enough time and an account is SQUELCHED pending GM review.
So yes, he did prove that squelch existed, but he misrepresented it.
He did get a GM review - then he got a SUSPENSION for abusing the reporting system.
That is reality. The fact that people don’t understand that still really demonstrates how effective online misinformation can be. People can claim nearly anything - and people gobble it up without ever looking into the full details behind it. Goes for most things online.
Stop being gullible because it seems to support a narrative you want to believe.
So he proved that Squelches are a thing. This has also been admitted by Blizzard. I don’t see a contradiction here.
Yes, that is how templates work. They maintain an uniform answer template for repeated question across many, many tickets to save time on both customer and support sides. You even admit to understand that this is how Support departments across many areas work and still vilify them for it:
Again, you’re being farmed for clicks and falling in the trap of getting others to get farmed for clicks.
Ok now you’re just trolling. This thread should be be locked if this continues, and I recommend ceasing trolling on the most moderated forum lest you possibly incur a forum penalty.
Since pretty much day one Blizzard has used Templates (form letters) for appeals. They are designed to cover the basic information needed and are approved by mgt and legal. They provide exactly what Blizzard wants given to players. There are pretty much 3 of them.
Appeal upheld
Appeal granted with an apology if it was a false positive
Appeal escalated to a Specialist
There is also one for a penalty that is downgraded as a last chance for the player - from a perma to a 6 month suspension for example.
They do NOT discuss or debate penalties. Period. Never have. As frustrating as it is, it is the same as getting that letter where they have thousands printed and fill in the name as needed.
Gotta love how people come here and try lawyering a squelch/suspension or banwhen they know exactly what they did is wrong. Toxic behaviour is not tolerated in any form and can and will be reported when someone sees it. Tak s more effort to type than just screaming at your screen.
Quite frankly? They don’t need to justify anything to you or me. They answer to their shareholders, not their customers.
However, you said it YOURSELF:
Not that templates are “automation”, but you said you understand it. And you’re still railing about it.
It’s not “basically” anything. It is “actually” a GM investigating the issue, arriving at a conclusion, and selecting the template answer to save time and ensure that the messaging is consistent to all customers.
So, you just came in to stir up trouble, didn’t want to hear anything that was said, and will still continue to spread misinformation? What a waste of time.
More of a time-saving tactic, but sure, you can stretch that into a “time is money” paradigm.
On the contrary, it helps ensure messaging is consistent across all players. Plus, in saving TIME as mentioned above, it helps keep the queue times lower than what they would be if every GM had to type out the same response over and over again.
Right and wrong is defined by Blizzard, not the players. Some people are comfortable with cursing, some are not, but the one constant is that Blizzard says cursing is against the rules of the game. Your opinion that it’s fine and my opinion that it’s not (or vice versa) is irrelevant.
You’ve gotten the information, but you refuse to listen or accept it. That’s not on anyone but you.
You are right that a basic information request is not lawyering. The best penalties are those that are as immediate as possible, directly connected to the violation, clearly explained, and the penalty feels relevant.
For SOCIAL penalties they used to include a snippet of some of the chat that was reported. That was really helpful to the players in that they got a reminder of at least some of the chat near the offense. That tool broke though. So short of manually going back through logs and attaching things, the tools don’t do it anymore. The GM just confirms that yes, there were chat rule violations and hits the button. They have said they don’t like that at all and they realize it does not provide the context that is important to helping prevent further social infractions (spam, advertising, profanity, masked profanity, etc.). It is what it is right now though. Sometimes on appeal a player can get them to do it, or they can ask here on this forum.
For hacking/cheating infractions they do NOT tell players what they detected exactly, when, or how. Unfortunately that would help the bot and cheat makers who sell those programs. It is a lucrative business to make cheats, and Blizzard won’t release info that helps them sort out how their cheat was detected.
Let me get this straight. You came into the thread to hijack it, make it about some highly debunked and unfounded conspiracy, and then when shown that you are wrong by everyone here, not only continue, but double down to keep hijacking a thread? Dude, this is NOT the place to continue trolling, and our forum panda is not one to take it lightly. I suggest stopping while you’re behind.