Stratholme Service Entrance Sending people to main gate

I don’t consider it bugged but rather the way they attempted to “fix” the issue in order to re-create the undead-side run is just massively different than how the dungeon worked prior to Cataclysm.

The weird behavior only occurs if you spawn your instance by entering the live side first. When you do this, your instance has been flagged as a “live” run and attempting to zone in to the service entrance will place you back at the live entrance.

Conversely, if you reset your instance and zone in to the service entrance first, then your run is flagged as “undead” and the gate to the live side will remain closed. (I haven’t tested whether zoning out and going back to the live entrance puts you at service in this scenario, but I would assume it does.)

It’d be nice if they just put it back to the way it worked from vanilla through Wrath.


Its not bugged. You just do not leave the instance. There is a side door that looks like its a wall which leads from Live/UD or UD/live side. If you look through this you will see tons of messages explaining it. I did it this morning and no bug. I used the “Side door” like we need to be doing. GL

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Can you reference where on the map it is? Having trouble spotting it.

If you’re talking about in the dungeon, the gate connecting the two sides is highlighted in this shot I just took:

When entering the instance from live side and spawning a “live” run, this gate will open the first time you approach Festival Lane from any direction and allow you to explore the entire undead side.

When entering the instance from the service entrance and spawning an “undead” run, this gate is closed and you cannot access the live side from undead without resetting.


This is what finally worked for me - I’ve been unable to go anywhere but undead side ever since unlocking Naxx.

Thank you!!!

Worked for me. Thank you. Been contacting GMs for a week trying to resolve this and they’re about as useful as tìts on a bull, sadly.


Thanks for this, that crossover actually worked!

this is still broken, Blizz.

Thankfully, easy workaround

Yes, I just did it while I was doing eldars and thought while I was in the area I would try for the mount. No Such Luck.