Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza broken.

It did not 'activate' properly, it shut down 15 minutes on the dot like it has the previous times.. I had 39 Fish, and they all went away when it shut itself down again even though the vendors to turn in fish are there your fish get removed and you cannot turn them in. I was told it was supposed to be the first 15, or maybe 50 people for your server cluster get the first place reward. While the World Quest is up it specifies it will be up for 1 day which obviously is not true. After the event shuts itself down, pools in STV completely break. Catch a fish, loot window pops up and closes but you can still get skill-ups. Which means you are catching fish but it just won't show them or let you loot them. Which given I had 39 tastyfish before it shut down, and wouldn't let me turn them into the vendors is also not working properly.. This has been a problem all of legion, why is it not fixed yet?

Everyone is unhappy with the state of the STV Fishing Event right now, especially since they removed the alternate ways to get the heirloom ring. This isn't even the first time I've had to post on the forums regarding this problem either
After the event you can still fish up rare fish. The times you fish and catch nothing are times when you would have caught tastyfish.

Winning is hard but if you sit at the river in NSTV and makee Bootybay your hearthstone you should be able to get it. (I turned in two weeks ago and was the last one to win.)
07/30/2017 05:01 PMPosted by Orendil
After the event you can still fish up rare fish. The times you fish and catch nothing are times when you would have caught tastyfish.

Winning is hard but if you sit at the river in NSTV and makee Bootybay your hearthstone you should be able to get it. (I turned in two weeks ago and was the last one to win.)

It's not working properly, hence this being posted in the bug reports; assuming it is and saying something is possible is kind of irrelevant to the post.. Don't push it off topic please.
07/30/2017 05:03 PMPosted by Tygramyndris
07/30/2017 05:01 PMPosted by Orendil
After the event you can still fish up rare fish. The times you fish and catch nothing are times when you would have caught tastyfish.

Winning is hard but if you sit at the river in NSTV and makee Bootybay your hearthstone you should be able to get it. (I turned in two weeks ago and was the last one to win.)

It's not working properly, hence this being posted in the bug reports; assuming it is and saying something is possible is kind of irrelevant to the post.. Don't push it off topic please.

I'm pretty sure it does work. I've had it end 20 minutes after starting (Week I won) and had it wend 18 minutes after starting. (Week I lost) I wasn't trying to push it off topic but I was answering one of the issues you had which you said how you couldn't catch anything afterwards. To add it is the first 50 people to turn in and unsure if it is server or maybe certain servers are paired together. I knew of 13 people who said that they won in chat when I got my win and I'd guess the others who won already left. Would love for Blizzard to clarify how it works though.
07/30/2017 05:15 PMPosted by Orendil
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It's not working properly, hence this being posted in the bug reports; assuming it is and saying something is possible is kind of irrelevant to the post.. Don't push it off topic please.

I'm pretty sure it does work. I've had it end 20 minutes after starting (Week I won) and had it wend 18 minutes after starting. (Week I lost) I wasn't trying to push it off topic but I was answering one of the issues you had which you said how you couldn't catch anything afterwards. To add it is the first 50 people to turn in and unsure if it is server or maybe certain servers are paired together. I knew of 13 people who said that they won in chat when I got my win and I'd guess the others who won already left. Would love for Blizzard to clarify how it works though.

I'm stating fact, it does not work; it's broken. You cannot turn in any leftover tastyfish like you're supposed to be able to. (Hint: The vendor that has a turn in for speckled tastyfish for 5 at a time.) There was less than 10 people in the zone for my server, and THIS time it announced there was a winner and promptly shut down. More often than not it does NOT mention any winner and just shuts down. Now I'd appreciate it if you would leave the thread if all you have to ad is opinion and not fact.

I'm pretty sure it does work. I've had it end 20 minutes after starting (Week I won) and had it wend 18 minutes after starting. (Week I lost) I wasn't trying to push it off topic but I was answering one of the issues you had which you said how you couldn't catch anything afterwards. To add it is the first 50 people to turn in and unsure if it is server or maybe certain servers are paired together. I knew of 13 people who said that they won in chat when I got my win and I'd guess the others who won already left. Would love for Blizzard to clarify how it works though.

I'm stating fact, it does not work; it's broken. You cannot turn in any leftover tastyfish like you're supposed to be able to. (Hint: The vendor that has a turn in for speckled tastyfish for 5 at a time.) There was less than 10 people in the zone for my server, and THIS time it announced there was a winner and promptly shut down. More often than not it does NOT mention any winner and just shuts down. Now I'd appreciate it if you would leave the thread if all you have to ad is opinion and not fact.

Yeah the tasty fish vendor needs to be removed. He shouldn't be in the game anymore after the event. And I listed many fact dude chill. But I'll leave you be as you don't want any advice. Just gotta be fast enough to win.
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I'm stating fact, it does not work; it's broken. You cannot turn in any leftover tastyfish like you're supposed to be able to. (Hint: The vendor that has a turn in for speckled tastyfish for 5 at a time.) There was less than 10 people in the zone for my server, and THIS time it announced there was a winner and promptly shut down. More often than not it does NOT mention any winner and just shuts down. Now I'd appreciate it if you would leave the thread if all you have to ad is opinion and not fact.

Yeah the tasty fish vendor needs to be removed. He shouldn't be in the game anymore after the event. And I listed many fact dude chill. But I'll leave you be as you don't want any advice. Just gotta be fast enough to win.

Which, according to the 4 times I've played.. is exactly 15 minutes. Every time. On the dot.. Not fishy at all. Try again. Different server, different results.
I would like to add to this report. As far as I could tell, the event did not activate at all on Aman'thul/Caelestrasz.

Date: 30/7/2017 (31/7/2017 in AEST)
Character: Greenhouf
Server: Aman'thul

Character Hammeredtime
Server: Caelestrasz

I logged on in Booty Bay with Greenhouf a few minutes prior to 6AM AEST, 7AM AEST and 8AM AEST (which makes it 12:00, 13:00 and 14:00 PST respectively, and 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00 PDT respectively)

In each instance there was:
- No announcement
- Riggle Bassbait did not spawn
- No world quest marker on the map or in my mission tracker
- Fishing from a couple of pools resulted in no Tasty Fish

I hung around until about 10 minutes past each time to see if the start was slightly delayed and to test fish. No change. On the final attempt I grabbed a second character, Hammeredtime and flew him to Booty Bay after the event had started with the same result. At this point I gave up in disgust because some people have to work on Mondays. I miss when it was based on realm time.

Based on this I can say that the event does not seem to be WAI in all cases, even if it is for other people. If this is specific to me I would appreciate some help from Blizzard to work out if there's something I'm missing, otherwise I would really appreciate a reliable fix. There's a pirate ring with my name on it.
1 Like
07/30/2017 05:24 PMPosted by Orendil

I'm stating fact, it does not work; it's broken. You cannot turn in any leftover tastyfish like you're supposed to be able to. (Hint: The vendor that has a turn in for speckled tastyfish for 5 at a time.) There was less than 10 people in the zone for my server, and THIS time it announced there was a winner and promptly shut down. More often than not it does NOT mention any winner and just shuts down. Now I'd appreciate it if you would leave the thread if all you have to ad is opinion and not fact.

Yeah the tasty fish vendor needs to be removed. He shouldn't be in the game anymore after the event. And I listed many fact dude chill. But I'll leave you be as you don't want any advice. Just gotta be fast enough to win.

This is incorrect. You are supposed to be able to catch tastyfish the entire 2 hours of the event. Jang will accept tastyfish as a consolation prize at the end of the event.

People are reporting that they can log of for 20-30 minutes and the event corrects itself and they are able to catch tastyfish again. This did not work for me on either of my accounts.

The issue seems to be that the world quest tracker bugs out the fish. Where. The tracker goes away, so do the fish in your bags along with the ability to catch tastyfish. This needs to be addressed immediately.
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Again this week, 15 minute shutdown with no winners announced. This just goes to prove my point that Blizzard isn't fixing anything, no bugs being fixed; no class balance actually being improved upon and so forth.

Not enough people are making tickets, submitting bug reports and making threads to get this problem resolved. Having an HEIRLOOM RING locked behind this and the stupid STUPID Shipyard rare RNG missions is absolutely absurd./
and of course blizzards official response to this matter is that it will never be fixed because it's been well over 10 months without being fixed and 'you will not receive a further response and continuing to report this bug will result in account action'.
Still broken, 9/3/2017.
Still broken
It just shut down with no winners on US-Aggramar at 3:25 PDT (2:25 PST).
It didn't start on Frostmane. Riggle appeared but never started it. I waited until 14:10 server time.
It didn't start on Moon Guard either. Riggle & friends appeared, but there was no announcement. I went ahead and fished from schools and Bloodsail debris pools but only caught the normal stuff, no tastyfish.

ETA It's also not on the calendar. I don't remember if it has been, recently. But I'm pretty sure it was on the calendar a few years ago when I was playing regularly.
Just want to add information on this. It started on Frostmourne approximately an hour ago. And I believe there was at least one more person from another realm (Dalaran, I think) in the cross realm zone and it started for him too. We're not Moon Guard or Frostmane though.

My understanding is that should be because of daylight savings time changing over last week, so it started one hour later today.

The problem of shutting down 15 minutes into the contest without any winners is still happening.
Just happened to me as well. had 39 fish and at 15 minutes quest was over yet no one actually won the event. Putting in a ticket now.
11/19/2017 02:18 PMPosted by Bigmouth
Just happened to me as well. had 39 fish and at 15 minutes quest was over yet no one actually won the event. Putting in a ticket now.

a lot of things have been broken since patch 7.3 was implemented...remember the Kalu'ak Fishing Derby? Remember how that was badly broken by CRZ and Blizz chose to remove it entirely? seems like CRZ broke the Booty Bay Fishing Tourny now.

and from the looks of things, it's been broken since late Jul...I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this to get fixed guys, cause nearly 4 months and no fix implemented? yeah, I can see this getting retired and removed from the Acomplished Angler meta pretty soon.
[/quote]a lot of things have been broken since patch 7.3 was implemented...remember the Kalu'ak Fishing Derby? Remember how that was badly broken by CRZ and Blizz chose to remove it entirely? seems like CRZ broke the Booty Bay Fishing Tourny now.

and from the looks of things, it's been broken since late Jul...I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this to get fixed guys, cause nearly 4 months and no fix implemented? yeah, I can see this getting retired and removed from the Acomplished Angler meta pretty soon.[/quote]

I know. Even better that when talking with Blizz about my ticket they claim they hot fixed this months ago. Of course this was after I had to link this forum post and explain to them multiple times that there actually is an issue. The best part for me was CS explaining that they were not able to confirm whether or not I actually participated in the event because they could not see any Tastyfish in my does that not raise a serious red flag?