Strange Weird Occurrences In Wow

Have you ever had: Strange Weird Occurrences Happen while you played Wow? Things that made no sense and were not explainable? Rare glitches. Things that were obviously not intended by game mechanics. Strange player behaviors. Creepy NPC behavior. Etc.

If so please share your experiences.


I can share a couple:

1.) Back in Vanilla, you can get under the elevator in Undercity. If you got crushed by it, it would knock you out of the server and essentially log you out.

2.) For a short while during Cata, if you typed /tar without putting a name anywhere in Stormwind, it would target a dead Whale Shark.


I believe people, not just in WoW, can read my mind and have generally negative opinions of me and my thoughts and doings. But I’m schizophrenic, so yeah.

chris p / gotnov


Way back in the day, once upon a time, the world disappeared.


I fell through the ground in a BG, got reported for being AFK…three minutes before we lost. :joy:

Cause we woulda had it if not for me. :crazy_face:


Wow, DK presences…and you don’t even have Unholy presence unlocked yet. That takes me back. :exploding_head:


That happened when shadowlands launched and folks were trying to just fly into Bastion lol


In game: I’m seeing a lot of people running sideways.

Out of game: I clipped the loinoth off the sprue for my favorite Darkoath Ravager, watched it flip out of my hands as I was cleaning the peice to test fit it, fly end over end to my right hand side, and watched it literally dissappear into thin air.

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I remember this what was up with that?


Let’s see:

  • I fell through the map at the end of the Suramar/nightborne campaign
  • I keep seeing these samurai looking NPCs jump off cliffs in ZM and then vanish
  • I once saw someone moving really really fast in the game; probably just my internet or theirs.
  • The skybox vanished once; that was interesting
  • Jumping from the Warrior Class Hall always sent me to my death in Azsuna
  • Actually had a live GM response when I couldn't get past the Alliance Pandaria intro (as in within 5 minutes of ticket)

    :dragon: :cat: :fox_face: :ocean: :dragon: :cat: :fox_face: :ocean: :dragon: :cat: :fox_face: :ocean: :dragon: :cat: :fox_face: :ocean:


    That was the good old “Any DK spec can tank or dps” days. It was a weird time.


    So one time, I queued into a BG on my druid healer. And the game hadn’t even started yet but this random human pally was targeting me while she said “we have no healers” and I just put “??” in the chat.

    Anyways, the game starts and we’re in Battle for Gilneas and USUALLY everyone rushes WW, and so I along with the other healer went to WW… but the entire Horde team went LH. -_-’’ 1 in a million chance.

    So I was rushing to LH and the pally died there, saying “where are our healers???” or something, god I wish i could find the SSs lol. We lost and in the BG chat she said “we have 2 healers and we didn’t win, and they had no healers and they won” and THEN she whispered me saying “when I went to LH, you weren’t there, and when I went to WW you weren’t there” even tho i captured LH and was right beside her, lol. Then she whispered again saying “go to raid if u like topping healing” or something like that.

    Then I got her in another BG, this time it’s a flag one (forgot what it’s called) and I was being stunned by the Horde team while the FC was running away, and eventually I caught up and she cast flash of light on the FC and said “i healed the FC yet im not healer, start healing” to me, and I can’t remember if we won or lost but then I got her in yet another BG, this time it’s the mine one. I was the only one guarding a mine and she said “hmmmm wonder where the healers are” in the chat, and then after THAT I got her in another BG and she targeted me and /afk’d. Funnily enough we won when she left LOL.

    I was just verryyy confused because I wasn’t saying much of anything, hadn’t insulted anyone before or during this, and I hadn’t even seen that paladin before in my life. She just randomly targeted me ig? haha, I’ll edit this with what she really said if I can find the screen shots


    The oddest I remember was probably about 6 months after I started playing (either late vanilla or early BC). I was taking the boat from Menithil to Darnassus and well, the boat went through some nether vortex.

    I ended up falling to my death with my body in Stone Talon Mountains and my ghost in Mulgore. The other passengers and I were very, very confused.



    1st day of WoD took a flight path, got stuck up in mid air, along with other players.


    So ur with bolvar and yur getting anime wen the chat open. U see it n the chat say “wut r u doing wit my lich kng?” U tell ur bolver n he say “my lich kng is ded”. THEN WHO WAS CHAT?


    You, good sir, are certainly no Alamo!


    While grinding the meta achievement for Nazjatar, I’d hear a wet fart sound from time to time whenever I teleported somewhere or logged in/out.

    It for sure wasn’t me (in real life) and I was alarmed. I thought I was being trolled but no one was around. So it had to be a rouge.

    It was actually starting to get upsetting because I thought my game broke.

    I Googled it and it turns out it was an item in my inventory called Flatulent Fish.


    This one time…I responded…to a post by a Night Elf named Tara and I didn’t even have any contribution. That was pretty strange.

    You went to Goldshire didn’t you?

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    “Wait…what??? Oh, WOW! I’d better not tell anybody about this.”

    Time is a flat circle.