Strange Weird Occurrences In Wow

I was on a flight path during Cataclysm and I flew over some big fire that Deathwing blew down. I didnt die and I light grazed the flames, which got me the achievement.

there was a time where if you landed on the zeps from a flying mount and didnt jump you would just slide on off the zep once it started moving and would fall to your death. happened to me at least 3 times before i realized you had to jump. the elevators in org would also do something similar. specifically if you dismount on it. I think it’s fixed but i still jump on the zep anyway when i dismount.

A long time ago, when BC was current and I was on my first ‘serious’ toon, a Mage (I originally started as a NE Druid and made it as far as level 10 before going, Nah) and was in EPL questing with a dude I had met all the way back in Redridge Mountains. We were in the tomb that was south of the road by the bridge to go into the zone and I managed to blink into a wall. Couldn’t do anything so had to contact a GM to unstick me.

GM came along in only a few minutes and got me out of the wall. I and the warlock I was with were leaving when of course the undead mobs respawned. We fought our way out but during that time the GM had sent me a question and I hadn’t responded. I wrote him back once we were clear, thanking him for helping and sorry for taking so much time. He said something along the lines of “Oh, you guys did fine. Can’t help the respawns.”

Dude, you sound like a creeper when you talk about watching our gameplay (and s/he did elaborate saying they were watching invisible and always lurking
). I already played on a PvP server - I didn’t need more paranoia. :cold_sweat:

During the LK fight, killing the mob in the sword at the same time the raid outside dies, meaning I’m just chilling with Arthas’ dad with no way out. Once they got back up, I had to hearth and then be summoned back.

For BWD in early Cata, the Golem guys (Omnitron Defense System, I think) just decided one night, “Nope, not going to fight”. Seriously, couldn’t even target them. And they had to go down for the rest of the raid after them and Magmaw to open up. Sigh. The troll 5-mans had just launched so we split into two and went and did those instead. There were also some nights early on where Magmaw wouldn’t spit me out.

I’ve had various vortexes of disconnect where a GM had to move my toon somewhere that would let me log into them directly, but I’ve never had anything big happen like falling through the world outside of intentional stuff, like the old glitch under SW. I did occasionally blink into solid objects as a Mage back in the day. Fun times.

I miss GMs being more involved. I still remember this guy in IF screaming profanity, racial slurs, you name it and people threatening to report it. I actually did, had a GM answering me within minutes and the guy was dealt with once s/he saw what was going on.

In one part of Bastion Stewards will run straight up in the air when attacked. Still isn’t fixed.


Same, it was in Silvershard Mines. I can’t remember fully how it transpired; pretty sure I put in a bug report saying absolutely everything I could to the smallest details. It was just a glitch of disengaging or something perfectly where the side walls meet the ground, essentially I slipped right through the crack into the void lol.

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