Strand of the Ancients issue

I played Strands but that is irrelevant to the topic. So there is no reason to go there as it changes nothing that has been said.

Good luck too but please don’t bring back hated BGs like Siege maps. We have to many and they have no place in this game. Blizz doesn’t know how to design them and they don’t fit into a Fantasy magic game. Sieges should be for NPC target and do no damage to players. We should PvP around the Sieges if they are going to have these maps and it would barely work for this type of game. However Siege maps always been a black mark on BGs.

Bring back Blacklisting please so we can vote again on what BGs are terrible so Blizz can address them.

Blizz is really bad with PvP design especially maps. Right now the biggest failure is in Epic BGs and they are all terrible. There is nothing Epic about them and often at times PvP is avoided and PvE is done to win fast. Epic BGs should have players with 100’s of HK’s and 40,50 or 70 KBs with their abilities because they have skill and work well as a team.

They just need more talent in the PvP dev department and PvP needs to be balanced around BGs or larger maps not Arena. I’d love to remove all the PvE elements from BG maps. Remove Bosses from AV/Isle make players get HK’s around Towers to take the Tower you can’t just cap it. You know actual PvP combat without NPCs or Sieges ruining it.

It did though. That’s fact, not opinion.

It was actually a majority.

I would wager the dislike is higher with Seething Shore, but since there is no option to blacklist any, anymore, then I guess we will never know.

As far as the technical limitations, do you have a source?

I enjoy Seething Shore. However I like fighting over bases/nodes. I also like the Strat and overall PvP in Seething Shore so it’s one of the better BGs.

I think the dislike for Seething Shore comes from not knowing how to play it or getting stomped by better players (either experience or geared) However I do think we should bring back Blacklisting to help fix BGs.

I’d Blacklist every Siege Map for Epics and depending on the day for Regular BGs I’d Black list Kotmogo or Flag Maps. However I’d like to choose depending on mood or build. Which just makes your play time and experience overall better.

No it’s not, and you don’t really believe that.

Actually I do but I have like a 98% win rate in there too so maybe I like it. There is great PvP in Seething shore since you are fighting over nodes. Not sure how you can dispute that fact.

I also enjoy the awareness you have to have as a team to get to spawning nodes. Think it’s a decent RBG map too. (although against good teams it’s usually a stalemate and very hard)

Which makes Seething Shore one of the better BG maps at the moment giving us some of the better PvP in the BG setting compared to other maps.

Maybe some players aren’t into PvP or having awareness of their surroundings so they don’t like Seething?

yes i’m necroing your thread but i’ve got a neat idea to bring back strand of the ancients and make it fun but also revamp it, ok instead of vehicle combat it’ll basically be you pushing one of 2 turrets up the hill till you get to the vault and destroy the door to get the titan relic the basic idea is the turret is a payload that moves with however many players are standing inside of the ring surrounding the turret 1 player is only 2% 3 players is 5% 6players is 10% 12 players is 20% it’ll have an armored buff to prevent it from being damaged while in motion but the moment it stops the buffs starts ticking down and it will be vunerable to dmg the turret can be destroyed and it takes 5 players to repair it the moment a wall crumbles you have to capture the node behind it or else the enemy team can send the turret back down the hill and repair the wall it’ll take at the very minimum of 6 players to repair a wall the walls can only be repaired 3 times during the whole session of the battleground, the objective of the other team is to destroy the boats your team arrived on they have their own turret and the same rules apply the map will more or less have the same layout but with new assets from the modern game today its just a theory but my lil nugget of an idea to revive this bg

I approve of the OP.

I Disapprove of the wall of text above, my eyes hurt now, and everything is blurry.

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i disagree what blizz did. strand of ancients was gone. they took it out. why people hating that? that needs to return back.

What on god’s green earth is this?

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I absolutely DESPISED strand of the ancients. It is the one thing in WOW that I hated with a passion and I am so glad it is dead and buried in the ground. I won’t play Wrath classic because it is in there.

The entire strand battle ground code should be deleted, the hard drive it was on should be incinerated and its ashes should be shot out into space pointed directly at the sun!