Story Livestream was incredibly disappointing

It began very promising. Story is one of those areas that typically are glossed over on the other livestreams and it was exciting to have Terran Gregory on hand to answer (I don’t care for Jonathan Danseur’s story direction, but it was nice to have him around).

But after this, I have to say I am amazingly disappointed with both of them.

The original article asking for commentary was not covered well and intentionally buried by Blizzard and when the time came to actually answer questions, neither of the writers bothered and instead just gave us variations on “big things are coming!”

If you didn’t want to answer questions, why have this livestream to begin with?


You’re not in a good place. Your subscribers are unhappy. You’re not doing yourself any favors by pretending otherwise and you’re actively making the situation worse by making pointless exercises like this.

Livestreams like this make me feel not only unappreciated as a customer, but actively resented, like the developers feel that players who want story are beneath their concerns.

Do better.


I personally found it really interesting and saw how much passion they have makes me hopeful.

i guess they didnt help themselves by asking for questions in the original post, i didnt see it so never thought this was a Q&A

I think your being overly critical


They barely answered crap…


Passion /= quality. Just look at the story so far.


It was insulting “maybe will answer more of your questions next time”


Not a single concern was addressed of which are many specially with the Horde side.

Then they said we didn’t REALLY address the soul of the Horde question in MoP so its fine to retread that story? WTF that was the entire point of the Horde war campaign of course we solved it you just wanted to rehash it cause you’re lazy.

It was just an hour of this.


The entire point of the Lore discussion because one of the BIGGEST criticisms of this expansion is the faction conflict seems extremely manufactured and it does not include any real fantasy elements.

It is basically politics.


Thats the same as saying an entire book is terrible after only reading chapter one

It was sold to us initially a Q&A. Then it became a discussion on submitted topics.

What we got was an hour long recap episode. Gonna be a bit critical.


I mean fantasy has politics. Look at Star Wars and Game of Thrones.

The problem isn the politics isn’t interesting.


Gemma made them do it.


Yeah it was.

No it isn’t.

It’s like the A plot of an episode sucks and you are sticking around for thr B plot.


It’s actually more like looking at a vast, horrific swampland fulled of biting insects, venomous snakes and treacherous quicksand and assuming that there is probably not a free cake at the center of it.


Hint the prequels that focused on politics sucked and people liked the fantasy force stuff in 4,5, and 6

Right now Anduin is basically Jar Jar Binks

A book also doesn’t charge 15 bucks a month and come with a 40 dollar buy in.


But they are in fashion again after the new ones.

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I laughed pretty hard at this “Maybe we’ll answer more of your questions” ! This had to be ironic.


After watching it, I am genuinely confused.

I am uncertain as to what the objective of this live stream. I am not certain as to what exactly they were trying to communicate.

I was hoping they would touch on their reasons for some of the more controversial story decisions that they made or concerns that have been expressed (Garrosh 2.0, the Alliance serving as a prop for the Horde, etc…)

Instead I got a live stream full of two guys who very clearly enjoy what they do and they talked about how much fun it is to do what they do, and some reasoning as to why they did things that we already know. However, for those like me who tune into the lore community (Nobbel, Lost Codex, Lorewatch, etc…) the stuff they DID bring up has already been analysed to death.

I came away from this live stream just confused. Not angry, a little disappointed, but mostly just confused.

I don’t really understand what the point of this was.

Finally, at the end, one of the guys says, “Maybe we’ll answer more questions” which is a bizarre thing to say because I can’t recall them actually answering any questions.

Again, I like both of these guys, but this feels like this was a wasted opportunity.


I’ve read countless books from cover to cover, and tossed dozens after a chapter or even a few pages. People can tell when a book is not going to give them anything of value.


Was simply giving my 2c

It doesnt matter what we get, GD always hates it, its tiresome