Story Forum Transmog Competition

Rhastakhan, KJ, and Archimonde share your opinion mayne.

Not enough naked chars.


Spuddy’s mog is definitely about as football as we can get in WoW. The helmet gives kinda a more tribal vibe to it, which is neat.

Galenar’s is simple but authentic. I dig it.

Cursewords looks like a stand up gentlemen and I tip my mask to him.

Caedmun’s mog looks like something a Dwarven Adventurer would wear out in the wilds while still keeping the mountaineer vibe. I love it.

Kisin’s mog is a perfect Troll druid mog. I’ve always loved the leather ZA/ZG set for that very reason. Simply Beautiful.

Azi’s mog here was an attempt to tap into the idea of a Death Knight in the typical black/blue armor and cloak, but with a Troll spin with the mask and runeblade. At a glance he’s very clearly a Troll, but he keeps the intimidating presence of a DK.


The red mohawk coming out the top completes it.

The cowards who have been afraid to get their transmogs judged thus far have been duly noted.

Aha! My profile finally updated!

All the mogs here are great, and I keep running out of likes.

As for me, I tried making a druid mog that wasn’t about plants (though I really enjoy those, too). I liked this feathered chestpiece model since I first got to Outland and picked it up in a quest, and it took a very long while to piece together a whole outfit to match it.


I forgot about this. I know it’s a bit of a snoozer but I liked the miner hat and built a set around it. High vis is a thing in mines right?

I like it. Makes me think of Aviana.

I’ve always wanted to build a set around that hat, and yours matches it very well. The red shirt could maybe do with a second bit of red somewhere to complement it, but it looks good!

I was oblivious and halfway through levelling this character when someone commented on the fact that her name is only 1 letter off from Aviana. I nearly rerolled because I thought it sounded too cheesy to use a name so much like a lore character, but I didn’t want to go through levelling again, so I just went with the bird theme. It’s not too far-fetched to say the character’s father was a druid and named her after a very important figure, I hope.

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The shirt just happened to be what I was wearing, don’t actually remember where I got it and I got used to it as the undercolour so I never looked at changing it. I’m open to suggestions.

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Perhaps a yellow colored shirt to keep with the theme? Or, since I can’t remember and yellow long-sleeved shirts, maybe something that matches the non-yellow highlights on the shield?

You don’t think all yellow would look a little tacky? Said from the character currently wearing all yellow.

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Maybe the brown lumberjack shirt instead, then. It should match the shield, I think, and it sorta fits the theme of a hardworking miner.

What about that? I looked through what I had and it’s got a tiny bit of yellow and matches the purplish colour of the pants and gloves so it’s not just more yellow.

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Only thing I’ve never liked about hoods or any half-concealing headwear in WoW is how it lops off all of your character’s hair.

I’m hoping if we ever get a WoW 2 that we can upgrade to, at the very least, 2010 hair physics. =P


Resolving the clipping issues from multiple hairstyles is probably the biggest hurdle for that and in an engine this old they probably just don’t think it’s worth the overhaul.

I really dig it. The simpler mogs are always great. Anybody can wear full tiers, but can they put together something else?

I also like the helmet. Sounds weird, but whenever I see your avi it gives me the flavor of like wearing a rad oversized ball cap or something. Good fashion sense :+1:

They kind of have to do that I guess, at least with the hoods.

You’re wearing the void elf armor so it’s an auto :+1: from me dawg. Those pants were made for it too.

I think you have found your style and taste, sticking to the one color coordination seems to be your thing. It also reminds me of a bumblebee kind of.

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I would like to find more yellow leather. I am sort of going for a theme with this Monk, and a Yellow outfit would fit her name.

(This Monk is Curseword’s Alliance tourist Alt)

Beatrix, I like the contrast of the scythe with the rest of the set, honestly. You look like some random adventuring type accidentally found themselves with a cosmic weapon of eldritch terror.

This mog cost me way too much gold, as I got most of it back in WoD.

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It’s a beautiful set! A shame it’s so damn expensive to make.

My void elf also wears something like that tho her pants are different

I love the old school bikini armor sets but where are your shoes bruh

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Real nelves dont wear shoes