Story Forum Transmog Competition

I am sick of people in this forum avoiding my transmog challenge. Whether it be because they are scared, they lack fashion sense, creativity, or what, but I am sick of it. So I am creating this thread for the purpose of Story Forum regulars taking up the challenge of judging each others transmogs. Post below with your opinions on each others transmogs. Explain the idea and theme behind your own if you would like to as well.

Mine is for football season, and also just old school Classical Horde attire. I’m suited up to both go balling with the ol’ pigskin AND defend Alterac Valley from Stormpike aggression.


Looking clean homie like you suited up for the Super Bowl. My transmog is just my eternal thugsta attire.


I am ready to blind my enemy with the tackiest outfit ever conceived.

I dunno, it looks alright but the green on green with the mask just doesn’t sit right with me.


“We’re not against rap
We’re not against rappers
But we are against those thugs (thugs thugs)”

You look like you straight out of grove street.

It’s weird because you still got the green on in your pic, but when I clicked on your profile it changed. The one in your profile with the hood is actually cool though I ain’t seen it before. You definitely got a theme down with all the gold/brown/whatever that color is.

Big respects for being one of the only to repeatedly step up to my challenge too.

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Oh really? It’s all yellow to me.

I always feel like the single colour schemes are me lacking the creativity to do something decent so I don’t have a terribly high opinion of them. Transmogs are hard.

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The forums are known to lag but idk maybe it’s on my end.

If it works it works, it’s just gotta be done right. I think you got it down. You look like a classic druid that lives out in the night elf woods in a little cabin or something.

Edit: Though if I could make a suggestion, there is a cane you can get that goes in the offhand slot that would look nice with that mog. Desertwalker cane I think?

I shall look into the cane. Apparently it’s a rare spawn in ZF so yay for that.

Edit: Took 1 reset and 1 kill but I got it. That was easier than I thought. I’m not sure if dual wielding two sticks looks dumb but I’m going with it!

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Well Galenar at least you coordinate.

Now behold the glory of my primal druidic chicness!


Spuddyc, for some reason I can’t see your armory profile. So no way to see your full outfit.

Anyway, this is what I call my ‘nam orc.’ He’s ready to go into the jungle, but when he comes out the other side, will he be the same orc?


Clearly he has some tough questions to ask himself like “what if we am that kind of Orc?”


I like it. I am a fan of the antlers anyways, they’re a go too for many a druid mogs, but it’s neat to try and find unique outfits in which they can fit. With your heavy and dark northrend looking leathers, you pulled it off. :+1:

I think it’s because I had or have my public profile hidden, (which I did in response to some people hiding theirs) aaand I would post a picture, but apparently my trust levels have been stripped! shakes fist

Funnily enough, when I click your profile I get

" Error 500
Something’s Not Quite Right"

BUT I can at least see some of it in your avatar and I like the theme so far, with the red bandana and all. I wonder which jungle he’d be going to. Is Ashenvale kind of like one? Or maybe the infamous guerilla warfare of STV on the other side of the ocean.

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Spuddy, I’ve never seen your mog so I can’t really comment. Have seen Galenar’s though, and it’s bready good.


That is annoying, I’ve followed their advice and still not displaying… so I guess we’ll find out if something weird is happening or if I just refreshed my character too many times to get my outfit to show up.

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Ok something is wrong because now I can’t see anyone’s profile.

A classic completely coordinated death knight outfit. No one can deny it’s good, it’s death metal, but personally I’m afraid I have to deduct some points because I swear there is another guy in these forums I saw with it, at least the armor.

I forgot about the work arounds for links though, so here is the one I was gonna include in the original post :

Btw, how did you get that picture? Is that an addon?

I am starting to notice this too.

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On an individual level, that’s reassuring. But a shame since I was enjoying the thread.



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I am disappointed none of the Blood Elves have showed up yet. They’re usually very vain.

I started the idea of my Warlock’s main 'Mog with a few major details in mind:

Black and Gold. Pants, not Robes. And no red - as a Sindorei and a Horde, red is everywhere enough.

Thematically, I was going for a look like a dark caster with a highborn flair. Someone on the forums said I look like a twisted circus ringmaster - thats kind of a fun way to think about my Warlock.

I started from there, and I am quite fond of where my Warlock’s outfit ended up.

