Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Elunite Paladins would be so badass though. Weilding the powers of a actual Goddess :dracthyr_nod:


Perhaps they could make use of the night warrior eyes for it and say part of the Kaldorei paladin rituals is to drink from the spooky night warrior moon well in Darkshore. That be quite interesting. Add in some silver toned spells and ta-da.


Imagine the nightsaber! THE NIGHTSABERRRR!

Silver light-based spells have been on my wishlist for eons. This would be top tier chosen-of-Elune fantasy that I am here for! Paladin has never really been my jam, I typically go for the darker themed classes. Dark Iron ALMOST got me into Paladins but it was just shy of what I was looking for. NE Paladin I think would make me want to play one for sure OR Forsaken Paladin for some of that risen Scarlet realness if yanno what I’m sayin’.


I think Blizz already abandoned that because…well Jevan leads the Horde Grimtotem :dracthyr_lulmao:

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This was my favorite post in that thread:


It’s raining. In California. In summer.

I’m scared.

I didn’t mass flag him. He can, however, celebrate the fact that my sub ends soon.


Same. It’s tiring being a victim and shamed for wanting justice, and watching the culture you fell in love with slowly snuffed out in the name of lazy writing and homogenization.

Also the Horde doesn’t have humans. You don’t have to worry about your player experience and fantasy marginalized because you didn’t pick the “correct” race at the character creation screen. Humans are the only race that Blizzard cares about, and allowed to have any significance, much less lead in the Alliance.


Yeah, what blizzs writers did to the Kaldorei and their players is simply horrible. I really do feel bad for you guys, most NE players like you and Amadis, have been nothing but kind here.


True. I am giving the Belves increasingly more side eye though. Because they’ve gotten two heritage quests when 3 out of 4 of the OG Red races don’t have them. And somehow they got the new playable undead customization options and most of the Sylvanas novel.

But so far in DF I’m seeing more Orcy goodness which is encouraging. I get people got tired of them in WoD but as someone who didn’t play that it’s been weird seeing pretty minimal Orc storylines from the past 3 expansion.

And I of course enjoyed the Lordaeron Reclamation quest quite a bit. But I still have the pronounced lingering fear that the Forsaken will be left at that plot point for years to come.


Blizzard is looking to do User Research with gamers who have disabilities.


So, I decided my Mag’har, while being a hunter on the side for survival reasons, is mostly going to be a mostly non violent fishermen/archaeologist.

Just heaven forbid he runs into a Lightforged Draenei :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_lulmao:


The Forsaken really suffer from story exposure in that Sylvanas was essentially their only representation. Not that she was terrible by any means (up until a certain point for some folks) but she didn’t really represent all of the wonderful facets of the Forsaken that deserved to have a spotlight.

WotLK should have been THEIR moment along with the Sin’dorei but it really got overshadowed by the Argent Crusade and Human Potential™ and they have been effectively dropped like a hot potato to be represented by Sylvanas and Sylvanas only in recent narrative. The Lordaeron Reclamation quest was awesome despite the Forsaken not really getting any tangible reward from it (I love my Darkfallen skin, but I understand the PoV in that it wasn’t really a reward for the UD fanbase), but I do hope they keep the momentum of focusing on the uniqueness of the Forsaken going forward.

TBH I am/was pretty bummed about the direction the took Sylvanas in, I was a big fan of her character for a long time but it will be really interesting to see how the Forsaken fare without their near fanatical devotion to her. It was part of their personalities for so long that it’s hard to imagine them without her but I think in the long-run it will give some much needed character diversity to them overall.


The Forsaken have effectively been a cult of personality up until now. Sylvanas being gone will ironically let them make choices she would never of made herself.

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At face value, definitely.

We should take bets to see how long it takes them to change their click dialogue praising the Dark Lady, although I suppose they probably still have reverence for her in a way.

… Someone should probably tell the Draenei that the Legion’s end has already happened though.

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…What did our local Lightforged do? They’re innocent of everything except hoof-to-the-facing* demons!

*Except not really because for some reason, Blizzard decided no Lightforged monks even though 2 of their very few NPCs are extremely monk coded, including the one you follow on the unlock quest no I’m not salty about that why would I be mad at how @^#%@ annoying it is NOT to have a face punching glowstick?


Still thinking of making a Blackrock Warrior Engineer. Not sure if there’s enough iron star tech stuff to make it work.

Definitely would call him something like Balgorc. Bal’Gorc the Science Orc.


This was such an incredibly confusing choice on Blizzard’s part. Why can’t they be devoted to the Light but also like punching people in the face? Why are these two mutually exclusive? Why give us golden hooves if we can’t kick anyone’s teeth out with them? FOR SHAME.

I believe the Blackrock were the primary engineers of the Iron Horde not just for their Iron Star tech but for lots of other things as well. Let Bal’Gorc the Science Orc FLUORISH dammit!