Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

As a current monk main, and a current short race monk main, all I can say is that communicating entirely by committing fisticuffs on things significantly larger than yourself and looking fabulous doing it is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.

And some people get comically annoyed by gnomes murdering them so that’s always a plus.

…I should level my gnome sub rogue…


It is a dwarf, isn’t it?

It’s a dwarf, I know it is.

I mean…

No? But actually yes. I have a lot of monks and warriors for reasons unrelated to my primal need to run in screaming and punch a dragon in the nose.


I have a low level panda monk. I should level Shasa bear one day. They’re a really fun class once you get the basics down


I used to be a night elf main, but the things I like about night elves (burdened with a duty they never flinch from, savage unrelenting defenders of the wild) were clearly not what Bliz wanted to go with. Noble suffering in the face of tragedy and forgiving with a quivering lip, I guess.

Whatever, dwarves get to run around busting skulls with way less pathos.


Sledgie, the thing with you playing dwarfs? It’s like when IRL humans play humans.

Because you are an IRL dwarf and that will always be my belief.

I also play trolls.

I have one of everything and more than one of the favorites, but dwarves are like comfy boots. I’ve mained night elf druid, an orc, a dead orc, a troll priest for about 3 minutes before I remembered I’m a terrible priest, but somehow punchy dwarf feels very cozy.


So I was in a crash last night, I am rather banged up but OK.

My SUV, on the other hand…

She’s dead, Jim.


You okay? Seriously, you alright man?

Sucks about the car.


Score another one for the dang safe modern cars.

It’s always great when someone walks away from one of those.


I am trying to say supportive and caring things and I do not know what to say!!

Kail, please be okay for really-real and not just saying that so strangers don’t worry!!!


Oh wow, sounds like your car did its final job, keeping you alive, good for it.

Now then… did you get checked for a concussion?

Hope everything works out, and all is truly well. Hopefully the insurance agents you get are the nice ones.


Big, big, big this!! And if you start noticing neck or back pains, get checked out, do not wait for it to go away.


Double this.

We want you to keep being around, even if you unsub. So yeah, don’t ignore those aches and pains.


Thank you all for the support :heart:

I am in some notable back/joint pain, and I may of had a light concussion… but compared to what it could of been I know I got off lucky. They did look me over to be safe at the site,and I am going to the doctor ASAP for some pain relief if nothing else. I am pretty sure where I went airborne and crashed down all my weight landed on my SI Joints, which are very Not Happy. I slept upright last night just to be safe, and I am working from home for the next few days.


Just focus on getting better. Know that I’m sending all the best vibes I can your way!! Get well, get healthy and continue being awesome!!


Detective Alynsa is on the case for the new patch’s most important feature of all!!

Looks like follower dungeons are available starting at level 60, and while I cannot confirm they give full XP, everything I would expect to see if they do has, in fact, been seen.

So if the day after the patch you do not see me for a while, just know it is because I am doing my favorite form of content; alone and isolated from other people, leveling my alt army as quick as I can!!


I have been wondering about the Follower Dungeons. Well, not enough to look into it myself… but enough to ask about it when someone else brings it up.

Are the followers like, notable NPCs? Are they consistent characters or randomly generated? Are we going to be able to acquire followers, like Dragon Riding appearances? Are they going to be meme-worthy (that NPC Tauren tank always faces the wall , that NPC Dwarf Hunter always disengages into other mob packs, etc)?

The NPCs seem pretty set; it’s the crew from Exile’s Reach, plus a tauren druid I don’t recall being there but might’ve anyway. The AI seems solid? Maybe?? Allegedly? I dunno, I’ll wait to trust that.


Oh my goodness! :confounded: This is terrifying!

Glad you’re okay, if a little banged up! Hope you’re feeling better soon!