Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave?


I feel you on that. If I didn’t love the worgen so much, I definitely wouldn’t be alliance. But my love for them is the only thing keeping me on team blue. Well, them and the draenei. But that’s it.

I’m excited for Gilneas though. Don’t care if 5 people come visit. I’m setting my hearth there and never looking back :bear:


Guys!! Guys, I have a problem. It’s a big problem. Like, this could ruin my entire TWW plans, my plans for everything leading up to it, and quite possibly my entire IRL life.

That. That is my problem. And I know it looks all tiny and adorable, so it’s short story time.

Above, when I was complaining about making a pretty worgen, it’s because (duh) I was making a pretty worgen. Specifically, I was using one of my three pack race changes to make my draino hunter into a worgo hunter. I sorta kinda settled, and moved on to the second race change (I only bought three because it is the literal exact same price as buying two, but I only needed two).

See, I have a monk. And that monk is a panda. And panda monk poses two very massive problems.

I am ambivalent on the monk class.
And I hate pandaren.

Not for other people, just for me. I just cannot vibe with pandapeople. I cannot transmog them, I cannot enjoy the way they move, it’s all just a nope. And monks are my second least favorite class (Death Knobs, you know why you’re last and stop pretending it’s an unfair assessment), but unlike the bottom class I don’t outright hate monks. My Horde monk, an orc, is a perfectly tolerable orc lady monk, but nothing about her screams “play me” over the rest.

So when I was race changing my Alliance monk, I just kinda swapped around the races, tinkered with their look and moved on.

Then she appeared.

Obviously her transmog was not on my screen, but her customizations? Only slight tweaks. Instantly she was a pick. But pick or no, she still wasn’t new Miss Main potential.

So I logged in to fix her up. A trip to the Valducken barber gave her some tweaks that made her look even more amazing. But the mog…

Transmog is my struggle, unless it’s a clothie or a paladin. Paladins are easy; throw some gold on, make it all more or less match, easy-peasy. And clothies are just spoiled babies with all their beautiful robes and stuff.

So the mog, I knew would be a struggle. I absolutely had to get rid of the old pandamog to even get started, so I opened the sets panel and just clicked anything to get a new base.

And then she appeared just like this. Well, not entirely; the watch and glasses obviously had to be added. The glasses because she is a cool gnomie boss babe, and the watch so she always knows what time it is, and it’s always Clobbering Time.

And now I love her. I love her more than I’ve ever loved a monk, more than I ever thought I could love a monk. And she clearly wants me to make her the new Miss Main. But… Druid…

I do not know what to do.


I really love the idea of the Worgen but the execution has left a lot to be desired. I’m hoping this upcoming Gilneas stuff will reconnect them to their horror roots.

To my line of thinking everyone should be slightly nervous around Worgen, because they’re literal lunatics; one driven mad by the moon. Yeah the got the magic moon xanax from the Nelves to calm tf down enough to be upstanding members of society. But when the gibbous moon rises high in the night’s sky, well, to quote the authority;

Even a man who is pure in heart,
And says his prayers by night,
May become a beast when the wolfbane blooms,
And the moon is full and bright

Add that in with the general horror of the distinctly Victorian English vibes Gilneas is playing with and you have a great recipe.

I’d especially love if they revisit and expand upon the Northgate Rebellion. I’d make it a broader divide between the metropolitan Gilneas City types and the more rural citizens, further entrenched by the Worgen curse. With the more agrarian woods folk, who you could tie in the Harvest Witches with, seeing it as a boon. Whereas the well to do see it as a curse. Then have the more working class Gilneans figuratively and literally in the middle. Who certainly agree being a 7ft tall beastman makes manual labor more stressful but it’d also be nice to go for a walk in the park without having the nagging urge to chase passing squirrels.

There’s just so much you can do and Blizzard has done little to nothing in over a decade.


My problem is no matter what character concept I dream up, my brain chimes in with

“But what if they were undead?”

Which immediately improves the concept. Seriously try it.

The boss is coming for dinner but you’ve screwed up the turkey dinner

Okay good set up. But what if the boss is undead? Or, better yet, perhaps the turkey is undead. Or perhaps you’re undead and the boss is really for dinner.

Instantly enhances anything.


Speaking of which remind me to revisit my Undead Monk. I had a Mage character awhile back who looked like this horrifying decrepit corpse. Spiders crawling out of her empty eye-sockets and everything. But who was an absolute sweat heart who was the adopted grandma to pretty much everyone. Lived in the Pools of Vision in Thunderbluff and liked to challenge her knitting skills by making jumpers for the Tauren Bluff Watchers.

It was the kernel of a good idea but Mage didn’t really work for it imo. Reworked her into a monk because secretly badass withered old dude is a trope for a reason;

Another idea I’ve been ping ponging around is an, of course, undead half elf pirate. Mainly so I can play the same character on the Alliance and Horde as a Rogue and Warlock respectively. Mainly so I can run RP gambling games on either side and the general nature of this and upcoming expansions makes it seems like that’s the move.


First up… it’ll be fine. You’ve just stumbled onto a rare combo that makes something you don’t normally like work.

Second… Monk is nearly as cool as Druids… nearly because they are clearly better. They can tank and heal and dps and they don’t need to shapeshift to do it.

Honestly just play the character and you’ll either fall the rest of the way in love with them or you’ll realize they just aren’t all you initially thought they were. Regardless it’s the path of life, we only fail when we don’t take the shot.


I love it when Blizzard uses the same name for different NPC’s

Will the real Gnarlroot please step forward

Gnarlroot is a dreadlord confirmed. If there is a single Legion across all timelines and dreadlords are in the legion and pretending to be people, this means the Gnarlroots must all be the same dreadlord.

This is a factually correct statement.


Is it controversial? Seems pretty accurate to me.

I often think about Thalen Songweaver and Thaelin Darkanvil having very similar names. I have a conspiracy theory that was done on purpose so that Songweaver is prevented from being used in the future. Like someone tells a Blizzard dev during a Q&A they want more of Thalen and instead they use Thaelin while feigning ignorance about who was actually mentioned.

It was a joke! :laughing:

RIDE THE WAVE! Embrace the change! The vibes are there, just gotta grab’em! Monk is really fun, in all specs. Plus, you get to dip your toe into the pool of Druid transmog which is one of the most magical pools of transmog. (This is a professional opinion, because I literally only play this game to collect transmog.)

I think the one downside to being a Monk is that Blizzard forgets you exist in literally every way. It feels like there hasn’t been a significant Monk character in WoW since MoP. Even the Legion Class Hall was strange. (You make beer?) Conversely, being a Druid means everyone wants to kiss you and you get everything showered upon you because Night Elf Druids are Blizzard’s most coddled children.


I mean…

I am a former Horde main, so I kinda prefer it when Blizzard forgets I exist. Whenever they remember, I’m suddenly the culprit behind massive war crimes.

I do not want to be remembered. I do not want every monk to suddenly be the most evilest ever, buning down treehouses and pillaging the landscape.

Okay, but see, this is the issue!!

My Alliance main is a night elf druid, and it feels so good to finally be the center of positive attention!! Yes, it did take some getting used to. When everyone in the game came rushing at me, I assumed I had murdered some UN medical forces again, like that panda. But when they started telling me how pretty I am (they are right) and how smart I am (they are right) and how I’m the best thing ever (they are also right), it felt… Nice!! Then Blizzard made a whole entire patch, just for me (well, I guess for other night elves and druids as well, but mostly for me)!! And I didn’t try to burn a treehouse in it!! In fact, everyone kept reassuring me that this world tree will not be burned!! Like they knew what I thought I was gonna have to do, they saw the torch in my hand, and they wanted to comfort me!!

So an ignored monk who will do no war crimes, or the prettiest girl in the room?


Both, definitely both :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It might have to be both. Even right now, all I keep thinking about is how fun my little sassy punchy gnome monk looks!! I’m considering some minor tweeks to her transmog set, but even if nothing changes she looks so fun!!

I wish monks could hide their weapons, but it’s okay.


I feel like this means ‘Gnarlroot’ is the Ancient version of like ‘Steve’ or ‘John’ or something. Everyone’s gotta know about more than one Steve or John!

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I bet when the unidentifiable remains of an Ancient are found, the forensic druids (it is a thing, it is canon, just trust me) label them a Gnarlroot Doe.

Gnarlroot Jobs is also the name of the Ancient whose company (Orange) created the iHearthstone.


I think it is funny, the other day while we were raiding Amirdrassil, I mentioned to some folks:

“Gnarlroot’s parents were jerks. They gave him a pretty messed up name.”

Someone else said “he is twins”

I didn’t really know what they meant. I was perplexed. But I guess they were on a lore level I wasn’t aware of.

There’s some fist weapons you can get in the monk training zone, found by using their meditation transport power… if you are post legion that just takes you to the legion hall, however on lower level characters you get a chain of training missions that also increase your rested exp bonus and give you some mogs.

More importantly there is a vender that sells fist wraps which are just invisible fist weapons, and they are monk exclusive as far as that goes.

Personally, I like the look of the staff or even a pair of crossed swords on the back, at least with the style of mogs I usually make.


Nightsong!! Did you wake up this morning knowing you were gonna be my hero?!

Wait, can Windwalker use staves now with their abilities? The last time I tried was WoD and I don’t think they could then.

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Seems like they might. I’m not really familiar with WW, but I just checked on my 60 Monk and seems like they can use a staff or polearm (I used an heirloom if that matters) and I didn’t see any abilities that were blocked from working.