Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

The only Dune media I have consumed is the movie from the 80s, which I have an awkward love affair with.

Highlander TV show was my earliest heartbreak on TV. In season 2, when XXXXXX dies, I was dumbfounded with shock, then very mad that the dummy kid survived, then very sad. I am still very sad about this.

I have learned what Delves are, and they are not Dirt Elves as I suspected.



So many fish

But finally done. Got all the remaining lunkers I need for that damn water strider from Nat Pagle.

Why didnā€™t I do this when WoD was current? I have no idea. Not like there was anything to do outside of raiding in that expansion.


Oh my dear goodness Denona, I still remember doing all the Nat Pagle things during WoD, so I know exactly the pain you just subjected yourself to.


Oh, I fixed my glitch with the repeated cinematic. I had to reset my everything, then when I realized that included my addons and stuff, go file by file deleting and replacing and relogging all of itā€¦

ā€¦ And it turned out to be some out-of-date addon I forgot I had installed, meaning none of that was ever even necessary, but I do not think right sometimes.


To quote a spider queenā€¦ ā€œI need you to stop being mean to my friend.ā€

Your mind is a beautiful thing. :heart::people_hugging:


The weirdest thing about Nosferatu 2024 was learning Count Orlok has become a reoccuring SpongeBob SquarePants character.

Yes, but sometimes it works in ways that are just plain frustrating!!

Like, I shall get some idea in my silly brain. ā€œAlynsa, know what would be super duper fun??? Let us go level up our demon hunter from 60-70. But not in some reasonable way!! No, let us do this by leveling our Classic herbalism!! No, do not even check to see if you can do this in Chromie Time. We shall do this with as little XP as possible!! We shall earn so much gold (no we wonā€™t) and then we will have maxed Classic herbalism (which my druid already has), which will be so very much useful later on (no it never will be)!!!ā€

And then that becomes the only thing I can do to level that demon hunter, because that is her job!!




What is with all the necroed threads lately?


People heard a rumor that necromancer was the next hero class, and they are practicing.


On some planet out in our vast universe, itā€™s Halloween and therefore the spoopy season okies? :dracthyr_heart:

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Considering that many havenā€™t been seen in a while it looks like weā€™ve gotten a wave of returners and/or a bunch of people just regained their posting privileges.


I have also noticed a spate of necros, as of late. I figured :

There is a sale. There are winterveil presents.

People have axes to grind and itā€™s a good time to pick up old arguments where they left off.

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I have learned that Blizzard wants to take away my beloved Clawful, feathermane pet extraordinaire. Because I play Marksman, and they feel I do not deserve to have a pet any longer.

This is quite a problem. Alynsa is just not Alynsa without her Clawful (or Dumkit the saber cat before Clawful). But I refuse to turn into a BM, because BMs are bowel movements. And if I wanted to play a melee hunter, I would have played a COMBAT rogue (they will always be Combat to me) with an enlarged petfite pet.

Why is Blizzard bullying me? Why does Ion hate Clawful? Clawful is a good and friendly and loyal feathermane who gives me slowfall on demand, and brings me joy. Why must Blizzard steal my joy?


i felt the same when they took away gladiator stance from warriors


When they nerfed Death Strike thirty-nine times.

I would rather they nerf my pet yet again than take it away completely.

Hunters used to be the class that used ranged weapons and had a pet.

Now only one spec shall fit that description, and the other two only half-fit it.

I hate this change. I hate trying to envision Alynsa running in the forest without a pet. I hate that it feels more akin to my priest running around as shadow and being utterly unable to use any healing spells at all, because those got tooken from me. Or my boomkin druidā€¦ I guess also without healing spells. Or my prot pally withoutā€¦ Yeah, ok, also healing spells. Shuddup, I like healing spells.

Fine!! Or my fire mage being banned from usingā€¦ frost nova? Uhmā€¦

Ok!! I got this!! Itā€™d be like playing my destruction warlock, but being unable to have an imp!! ā€¦ No, thatā€™d be fine, I do forget heā€™s thereā€¦

AHA!! Got it this time!!

ā€¦ No, I donā€™t got it. Because being serious for a second, I cannot imagine a change like this. Well, except with healing spell removal from non-healy specs. But even that doesnā€™t feel as definitive to a class for me (except priests and pallies) as my pets do for my hunter. I picked hunter back in Vanilla because of the pets. Iā€™ve played MM nearly that entire time. Heck, outside of collecting all the spirit beasts and getting my artifacts in Legion, Iā€™ve never NOT played Alynsa as MM since at least Wrath, maybe even TBC. Vanilla was some weird hybrid spec because I was weird.

I cannot see any way this doesnā€™t fundamentally alter every aspect of how I play Alynsa going forward. My playstyle of massive pulls wonā€™t work without Clawful, unless I switch to a spec I have no love for or interest in, and which plays entirely differently.

Iā€™m literally actually feeling lost right now.


I guess you will have a bird? I am not really sure why they picked the theme they are going with, but I cannot help but imagine this bird is basically one of those tiny sickeningly adorable plucky small animal companions that accompany Disney heroes and help them be mildly competent.


As a BM player since forever, I love that BM is getting some much needed love and pack master will actually have a theme once it gets overhauled in the next major content patch. Pets galore is what I signed up for after all

But yeah, Marks is getting some weird but I guess necessary changes. Those who play hunters play because itā€™s a pet class and marks being useful without a pet never made any sense

Given that though, I donā€™t get the change of replacing Lone Wolf with a bird talent. Itā€™s the weirdest change out of all the changes being made


Uhg. Iā€™m so not done ranting about this!! Skip this post, itā€™s gonna be very ranty!!!

Yup, weā€™re getting an eagle. Weā€™re getting some big flappy bird to hover over my shoulder and obscure my field of vision out of combat, all because mythic people like to choose Lone Wolf because pets are too hard or something, and Blizzard couldnā€™t figure out a way to allow hunters with lone wolf to utilize their petā€™s special big cooldown (itā€™s Bloodlust, weā€™re talking about Bloodlust).

Likeā€¦ If youā€™re in love with this whole special magic Birdmanship Hunter spec idea, Heroic Talents are right there. Sentinel is even themed around a bird. As a bonus, if you reworked Sentinel to be about losing your treasured pet for magic bird pet, youā€™re affecting Survival too. BM wonā€™t even have to be stuck with a pet-less option.

This is just so dumb. The solution to all of the problems Blizzard is trying to ā€œfixā€ is have it that the pet in your first pet slot is the one whose special cooldown you can use when youā€™re Lone Wolf and have no pet active. Done!! Now us non-mythic casual players arenā€™t being affected.

Alynsa is usually built, talent-wise, around heavy AoE because thatā€™s how Iā€™ve always liked doing solo content with her. It works because I can misdirect to Clawful, do my big pull, keep my petheal up, and by the time Iā€™m pulling aggro off her due to all the AoE, Iā€™m kiting half-or-more-dead mobs through my slows, snares and knockbacks. Itā€™s silly, itā€™s been known to end in a long corpse run, but itā€™s a whole entire blast. And it only works on my hunters. Nobody else has a Barrage-Multishot-Rapid Fire-Multishot-Aimed Shot style combo (now with extra explody shot and sometimes Volley) that combine with a long enough pull delay to set up my AoE CCs, and a movement boost to make the kiting work.

Literally removing my sorta-tanky pet from that mix breaks the entire combo. BM lacks the same spammy running-AoE, lacks the big 360 degree Barrage pull (I was wrong, Barrage wasnā€™t broken, I just didnā€™t realize Blizzard gave me a talent that broke it) and just has never felt as overall fun as MM.

So removing my pet actually does ruin Alynsa. Because even when Iā€™m not doing those big, ā€œlooks cool to me but skilled players can do much betterā€ pulls, Iā€™m making extensive use of Clawful. Weā€™re soloing elites that I otherwise wouldnā€™t be capable of. Weā€™re taking on elite rares. Weā€™re fighting early world bosses later in the expansion, and I might have to keep ressing Clawful and throwing her back into the fight, but dang if it isnā€™t a blast, and I always get a warm glowy feel when someone who came into the fight later compliments me on how I pulled it off. It was literally my favorite thing in BfA.

And no, just swapping to BM isnā€™t the answer. BM lacks a big, chonky ability like Aimed Shot. Every time I try and test it for a day, it feels like itā€™s lackingā€¦ Everything. It feels like itā€™s missing out on all the things I enjoy as MM in favor of a more durable pet who still dies when Iā€™m doing the sillydumb, but now that death is too impactful. And SV is not ranged, so that isnā€™t the answer either.

If this mandatory fun policing goes through, I literally can no longer play Alynsa in anything resembling the way Iā€™ve been playing her for well over a decade. Since at least Cata, maybe late Wrath. And that bothers me.

Because while I mainly talk about and focus on Alynsa, I actively play every class. I was a Combat Rogue and a Disco Priest before they got their massive change overhalls into Outlaw and still Disco, but now a weird damage-healer hybrid. And overall, very little about my actual-play had to change. Outlaw felt like Combat but with more shanty-ish abilities and some weirdo RNG combo spender, and by the time Disco got changed, I mostly ended up with tanks who needed very little healing from me and Iā€™d mostly spam smite regardless. There were changes, sure, and new Disco wasnā€™t really for me, but neither one felt so fundamentally changed that I wasnā€™t even sure how to play the class in any way resembling how Iā€™d played it before. Neither one felt like some critical component of the class was suddenly just missing.

When my combat rogue became an outlaw, she could still stealth. When my disco priest figured out the best way to heal people was to smite other people, I still had access to holy healing spells.

Thatā€™s what this feels like to me. Iā€™m a rogue who is losing her stealth and being told it is okay and fine, because there will be a hawk near me who might proc a stealth-like ability. Iā€™m a priest losing her healing spells and being told itā€™s fine, because when I smite, my party members get a bubble.

Iā€™m a hunter losing my companion, but itā€™s okay because Iā€™m getting a bird that does different stuff.


The one thing that BM is better at is face tanking rares and the occasional elite rare. :blush:

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