Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Hugs I know we’ve had our disagreements, but you’ll be missed friend. Hope you find enjoyment in something else.

Best of luck :dracthyr_heart:

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I’ve had that bug a few times. I’ve noticed it happens a lot if you enter a dungeon or LFR in a spec that is not designed for the role you got selected as. I.e. If you queue for tank but enter the instance as a dps spec for example. It forces you to your tank spec and in the process it messes up your appearance, mainly weapons. This persists when you leave the instance, as it reverts you back to what spec you were before you entered.


This is why I RP. My German ghoul vampoid has been a hero in many stories. A favorite remains saving a MHP from certain doom with WM on in Black Empire controlled Uldum. Worked with the player to turn it into a more coherent story where he was praying / preparing to die fighting, and a shadowy figure finished his prayer for him. Before engulfing the shoggoths in consecrated napalm.

The Light protects!
It can. Now pick up your weapon, knight”.

Or something to that effect.

I legitimately don’t understand how people enjoy this story beyond using bits and pieces of it to make their own.

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We don’t, mostly. We just get really jaded and mock it endlessly in Story Forum. Which is not terribly well adjusted, so hitting the road is likely the healthier option.


I mean that too but I’m mainly invested in the story of my dudes. Which is why I’m most interested in lore about how Azerothian societies operate.

Like I’m stoked for this Goblin patch. I’m not much of a Goblin player but it’s cool to learn the ins and outs of everyday life in Azeroth. And apparently the hub is some big fancy Vegas hotel. C’mon that sounds fun af and I look forward to Goblin guild RPs that’ll be set there for a long time.

Shame the biggest delve into undead culture was one we’re mostly pretending never happened but who knows. Maybe one day I’ll wish upon a magic star and Gilneas and Tirisfal will become fun zones to do stuff in.

There’s a stark disruption between the better story you, I, or any number of players can headcanon, and seeing Anduin, whatever spy guy’s name is, Alleria, Dagran, Turalyon, Arator (inevitably), Magni, Brann, Moira, Tyrande (inevitably), Maiev (inevitably) interact with and dominate the story

while when Thrall shows up, he literally walks around in the background and “”“teaches npcs”“” while stone dwarves talk about their emotional trauma.


I get into that mindset with Bethesda’s sandbox style games (TES, FO) but the magic isn’t there for me with WoW. Would rather just play a TTRPG to scratch that itch, mostly.

I mean, if I’m being truly honest? If it wasn’t for roleplaying, not sure I would’ve stuck around as long as I have. :dracthyr_nod:

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I keep quitting for months or even almost a year so that when I come back, I can spend an entire two days trying to figure out how to play the game again, what lore bits I missed, and whether or not I like any of the changes!!

That is how I keep playing!!

They nerfed Barrage and I am not okay with it.


Hunters are getting some pretty significant reworks and some much needed love in the next major content patch. Pack Leader is basically being overhauled and some of Marks and BM talents are being reworked or removed and new ones added


Well, they better give me back my old Barrage!!

If I wanted an AoE spell that did not pull mobs from two nearby dungeons whenever I clicked a button, I would pick a talent not called Barrage.

I picked Barrage so I could accidentally pull a whole zone and see what happens!!

I picked Barrage so that when I did Timewalking dungeons and tanks were just not too sure, I could click a single spell and pull all the bosses at once!!

I picked Barrage because it suited by chaos monster impulses perfectly!!

I demand my 360 degree auto-puller no-skill Barrage returned!!!


I don’t really see it as headcanon and more a concurrent smaller stakes storyline.

Like I guess it’s not canon that a Forsaken border patrol group took over an abandoned Arathi tower in Azj’Kahet and have been using it to study the Nerubians and whatever this Beledar thing is.

But there’s nothing really suggesting that wouldn’t be happening either. That’s kinda the thing with RP. You don’t substitute the reality of the story for your own you just make your own one within it.

Which is probably why SL and DF lost me. Because SL was utter disconnected nonsense and DF had nothing of consequence happening. WW has so far had a mostly grounded story. So RPing a bunch of Forsaken meeting up at the main tavern was fun. Swapping stories and wondering if Earthern corpses could be ground up and used as seasoning.


On the topic of why we stick around…

Well for me it’s mostly the people I’ve meet through these forums. Before that it was the stories that I wrote for my characters… which I just don’t have the spare time to do anymore.

I was grinding the Delves, and I’ve been playing the island… though it’s pointless for me to bother playing the storms as the mobs all have a thorns aura and shaman need to hit often… I’ve killed myself from the thorns because it out paced my crap healing… just another reminder of how weak shaman defenses are.

Oh well. My sub renews in a week or two… honestly can’t remember and I’m still debating if I want to stick around, mostly because I’ll miss a lot of you… some a lot more than others.


I am not one for talking about why I stay, because I keep taking long breaks. But I can tell you why I keep coming back!!

Regardless of whether the story is good or bad, regardless of whether the newest and shiniest content is fun or unfun, regardless or whatever a Delve is (I only just did the tutorial one today) or this latest special magic island is…

Playing is fun!!

There is a fun satisfaction in hitting my buttons. I’m running around on my blue elf druid, Moon and Sunfiring all the things, panic healing because all the things were too many things, running in circles like a mad elf, jumping off a wall to make things path around to get me so I can heal up more, then somehow killing all the everything.

And it is fun!!

I’m not good at the game. I’m old, my reaction time is slow, my left eye has an issue where it suddenly stops doing eye things, and yet I somehow manage to find a way to push my no-skill self to a point where I feel like I survived some harrowing near-death experience with baby bugs that I feel accomplished. Like I could get good.

And then I turn in a quest, fly over to some water and fish. And on my way back, I pick some flowers. And then, having met my goal for the day and reached my self-appointed game time limit, I throw a bunch of stuff on the AH and it sold already.

And it’s all small and stupid and silly. And it is all fun.

I keep coming back because I always find a way to have a good time, even if doing people content is scary, and baby bugs can be a challange for my no-skill self.


I stay because:

I just love the lore… its fantasy classics turn on its heads… I mean when WoW came out I never even heard of you being able to play a Warlock or Undead! I think there still not many… who actually let you play AS MONSTERS… THE POTENTIAL IT HAS… I just pull my hair out thinking about it from just RPG perpective! Its a crime they not done a Witcher or BG3 mature game side story of WoW in the WoW universe!!! :sob:

And I know its not a big deal for many but WoW adding a quest to change the COLOR of your spells??? I was blown away… I never even seen any game do that at that time beyond I think City of Heroes.

I also like the artstyle and can appreciate some of the details one easily miss as an artist myself who draw the old fashion way with pencil and paper. Just wish their customization and all their Class VFX were as up to date as some of the newer content.

I probably be on and off depending on the content and what other games come out. WoW is a good game and will probably outlive me… however I do hope they keep updating the game…

The competition is looking interesting and ever since The Riot MMO went silent, I have my suspicion that they are really putting a lot on this game (whatever it turns out to be) if I just consider how good their animated series was.
Warhammer is also stepping more and more into the video game industry and both title have soooo much lore to built on, they will probably never run out, not to mention the cash to and fan support to keep it going even at its worst. (IMO)

Also I love reading your takes on EVERYTHING I have the energy to skim through, just the passion of your own stories and wants feel me with so much inspiration… and yes even the trolls or more sterner commentators! Sometime in jokes you actually give awesome or interesting ideas and have such fun concepts!


I am dusting myself off and trying to get back into the groove since 11.1 has some interesting druid reworks. I got to 80 on a mage then sort of burnt out once the story was finished as I lack any friends to do much with on here… so I let my sub lapse. That was a mistake, some stuff still seems to not work right since I got back on here.


What’s going on? Might not be able to help… but I can at least listen.

Also, welcome back.


Oh, I have a few weird bugs happening. Like every time I fly it randomly grants me titles I have from DF and SL. That and several bits of armor from my transmog collection seem to of vanished; I had to go regrind the cobalt assembly one and rebuy stuff.

…and when I teleport sometimes it just crashes now. That is the more annoying one.

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The titles have been happening to me for weeks now. Every time I log in and either hop on a mount or off one


The only real bug I’ve noticed is that every time I log on to my druid, the character I’ve been playing, it wants to remind me with a whole cinematic that Sargeras stabbed the world and so forth.

I do not need to be reminded of this!! Blizzard, it was not ME who seemingly forgot an entire sword sticking out of Silithus for years!! I am the one who kept on remembering this and wondering when YOU would too!!! Maybe YOU should have a cinematic reminded every time you log in, I do not wish to have it anymore!!

Oh, and my dps is low, obviously caused by bugs and glitches and shenanigans, and not because I am very not good at this game. Fix this bug plz.