Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Finally got around to finishing off the Silverwing sentinels rep.




The single most important rep in the game. All the game events donā€™t matter compared to just hanging onto that Gulch out of sheer spite.

Caught Creature Commandos and thoroughly enjoyed how deranged itā€™s been.

This is the official start to the DCU which is on paper a family friendly affair. Which it absolutely SHOULD BE depending on the character. A Superman movie probably shouldnā€™t frighten young children. But this is letting me know weā€™re going to have a variety of stories.

I would say it is the most painful, even with warsong scramble. The Arathi basin reps have comp stomp. Alterac valley reps give you rep for basically doing nothing. Warsong gulch is only when you cap a flag. And out of all the matches I played this week via Warsong scramble, I only won 2. And those were the last two ones. I think I did around 10 or so. Typical alliance in BGā€™s.

Honestly, Blitz is worth doing if you put some groundwork in.

I have no idea if it grants rep, but you have slightly less chance to run into people who are playing while actually being goldfish in a bowl of water-soluble mind altering substance.

Hey Iā€™m better in a fight when Iā€™m drunk in my experience.

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The most endearing thing about Druids is how this is their tree form dance;

Not that long ago that was the maximum amount of movement you could add to a dance without killing Anglo Americans with psychic damage. How far weā€™ve come.

Gotta love LFR heroes.

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Really enjoyed the first three episodes of Star Wars Skeleton Crew. Itā€™s basically Space Goonies.

Just real charming and fun so far. As per usual Star Wars gets better when it stops trying to nostalgia bait and just does a cool story set in that universe. But weā€™re only 3 episodes in so still plenty of time to muck things up by having CGI Luke or whoever come around.


Yeesh, Blizz was super generous with trinkets today.

When my Rogue opened his Vault, he had 3 of the Nerubar trinket to choose from - Void Reapers contract, Treacherous transmitter, and Sikrans arsenal. I chose the contract.

My Druid opened the vault and had Mad Queens Mandate - which is great because I was using a tank trinket as kitty.

And my Warlock also had Mad Queenā€™s mandate.

Donā€™t mind if I do.

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Iā€™ve only been playing my shaman lately, which is increasingly rarelyā€¦ just not feeling the urge to play or care about WoW lately.

Iā€™m still trying to replace a Vet weapon and a pair of armor pieces that are also vet trackā€¦ forced myself to run 8 delves at t7 for the three chancesā€¦ all three were the same items I already have at hero trackā€¦ chest, helm, and legsā€¦

I at least got a few items that were ā€œbetterā€ for my build from the key chests but thatā€™s not saying much as it was more a case of them being shifts towards better stats and still not by much.


A decent amount of my vet track gear is maxed at 606. I got a couple that arenā€™t but itā€™sā€¦.boring just grinding the valor stones needed to upgrade them.

So I got my lock to 65 and just been RPing and messing around with Chromie time. Good time waster until Siren Isle comes out. For me at least.

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My lowest Ilvl is 606. My ā€œaverageā€ is 611ā€¦ I also have capped valor stones on my shamanā€¦ sometimes when I was bored Iā€™d run LFR or Timewalking. For a time, I was also making sure to hit all of the weeklies.

My shaman for example still has twenty keys she hasnā€™t used in Delves just because I wasnā€™t running anything high enough to give me an upgrade. Mog hunting is always a thingā€¦

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I was thinking of doing that actually. Might go for the Dragonswrath staff on my lock, since Firelands is easily soloable if I get out Chromie time and run it.

But, I know what youā€™re going through though. I also basically hit that Now what? on my 80 hunter.

Mail Mog runs do sound like a good idea though :dracthyr_heart:

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Man this trailer goes HARD

Zombiebros we are so back!


My warbands screen is three dwarves (horde paladin, alliance monk and warrior), one for each dwarf flavor, and a goblin hunter.

Regardless of what this says about me, it feels right.


My warband screen contains

Kul Tiran warrior
Lightforged Draenei priest
Dracthyr evoker [Alliance] (named after a minor but important anime character. Well to one of the main supporting characters anyway. Have a guess :P)
Tauren Paladin (shamelessly named after Leona from LoL. Praise the sun!)


My warband right now is

  1. level 80 manā€™ari hunter

  2. Level 65 manā€™ari warlock

  3. And a level 1 manā€™ari shaman

Just waiting for when the Draenei get druids and than Iā€™ll make a manā€™ari Druid.

And yes I have a Draenei problem :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My Warband is my Blood Elf Paladin, my Dracthyr Lock, my Mechagnome Hunter and my Vulpera Rogue

I love my Druids play style but I donā€™t really enjoy playing the races they have available. My Druid was on my Warband camp until my Rogue hit 80, and replaced him.

Similarly, I am waiting for Vulpera to get Druids, the current Druid races donā€™t appeal very much to me.


Druid playstyle in general doesnā€™t work for meā€¦ I just canā€™t get into the mindset of transforming and playing a caster doesnā€™t work for meā€¦ I really like Warlock Mogs, but I just canā€™t enjoy that playstyle.

My DM and I have a similar disagreement over my DnD Druid not using wildshape.

Very tempting to drag my Eredar Shaman out of the Dragon Islesā€¦