I need to go buy something before they go away. I have tons of coins just from my normal activities.
None of the outfits are that interesting. But if I have the currency, I might as well buy something before it goes away.
I am thinking I might get the Rogue outfit, just because during Vanilla my first and only max level Character was a Rogue - but my Rogue wouldn’t wear it. I feel like darker colors help him sneak around in BGs better. Also, I am not very fond of the color red.
I originally wasn’t going to buy any of the sets, but I felt like I needed at least one for my main before the event goes away.
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i got the dracthyr set purely, distinctly, and only because it has the eye of sauron.
It’s pretty easy to passively grind the tokens through just your general weekly stuff, I barely ever do the anniversary things in Tanaris and have purchased all the sets despite only ever actually playing three classes.
I’ve just been dumping the coins into everything just to use up the currency since it can only be used for this event. I think there also might be a token exchange for Timewarped Badges which is nice for future timewalking stuff if none of the anniversary junk is appealing!
I’ve gotten a lot of tokens from just doing the mystery quests. Which I’ve largely enjoyed and aim to complete so I can get that Detective title.
I’ve gathered like a hundred overall. (Got the achiev that lets you get tokens from other activities). I just spent them on a pet and some mogs.
The warlock set looks cool though. Might be worth getting. If I’m up to it 
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Ah yeah! I gotta catch up on these, I was doing them daily then kind’ve fell off the wagon. I didn’t realize there was a title attached!
That being said, they tend to be a LOT easier when 500 people aren’t also doing them. (The raccoon one comes to mind)
Imo they’re most fun doing them release day. It can be crowded but you get the advantage and fun of figuring it out with a group. And in one case I just followed a Worgen who seemed to know what he was doing. Which turned out to be a good move because I skipped WoD entirely so these hints were completely lost on me.
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So, in my daily regiment of doing random things that strike my fancy in WoW, I managed to hit renown 21 with the Arathi and got the Lynx mount.
It’s a huge mount. Like, it’s just naturally large and it’s awesome 
Oh, and I got a cool backpack that matches my Arathi outfit. 
I smoothe out Professions
There is a sniff about how tht works- I shall work with labor contracts until then
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I hate the march of time. I’m arguing with someone who has nostalgia goggles for freaking BFA and Shadowlands, storywise.
Some of the zone quests were interesting but those overarching storylines needed a major review… as in being taken to a shredder and then set on fire for good measure.
Finally got the newest exploring azeroth book. But I just wanted to take the time to appreciate the fact that Su’esh, a devilsaur, was apparently running loose in Suramar killing demons while the whole civil war was going on.
There’s something extremely amusing about that. Mainly because my main happens to be a Beast Master.
Doing another BG3 playthrough, this time on Sorcerer and man I wish I still vibed with Mage. That was my first alt back when specs felt more like specialities than the whole class fantasy. I want to be a wizard not a pyro or cyromancer and I say that because Arcane has always been the red headed step child.
It’s just very married to the Cold or Hot industries and Destro Lock blows Fire out of the Volcano when it comes to sheer, well, destruction- fittingly enough.
Like how do you’ve a magician class without the fireball and misty step? I guess they have blink and flame strike but that’s the “Is Pepsi okay?” of wizardry.
In DnD I play a Druid, who I play as a melee caster. She’s a lot of fun, some combat’s I’m just maneuvering and defending my concentration.
In WoW I can’t stand the cloth classes and while I love Shaman, I can’t play elemental… too much casting and not enough smacking stuff in the face…
I’m playing a gish warlock in Old School Essentials and Jesus is surviving difficult.
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Disc remains my favorite because while it’s still a far cry from it’s Legion days I still get to go;
Plus weaving the music of creation and silence of entropy is just a cool fantasy. They create energy shields, summon shoggoths, create silent psychic terror and can ascend skyward on angel’s wings and start shooting either healing or harming laser bolts at people like an attack helicopter.
How they’re not featured more in cinematics remains baffling to me. This is a 2 minute cooldown for me;
Funny, this is actually the class I chose to play for this new season of Classic because the modern iteration of Mage has never really interested me but I’ve been quite enjoyed the Classic take so far.
I almost always do an Orc Hunter and a Night Elf Priest for that reason too, I really vibe with OG Hunter and Orc feels on the nose for that fantasy and Night Elf Priest in Classic is the closest you can get to the ‘Priestess of Elune’ fantasy in any iteration of WoW. (Plus, I hate the direction that the modern NE story went)
I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I love the simplicity and slowburn of Classic, it’s not flashy or over overcomplicated so it really does add something to the fantasy for me.
(Wish I could play Draenei though!)
i sincerely and categorically wish we got more lore for how discipline priests actually work in the lore. like the idea of wielding the light and void at once is rad, and priest magic is cool and has really obvious thematic cues, but somehow there’s pretty much no explanation for them beyond being ‘pragmatists.’ i’d love to see, like, a pandaren disc priest npc who talks about wuwei nonaction and inner harmony of spirit, or something.
I definitely missed the more deliberate leveling pace of classic as well as the wpvp. But once I got to like level 58 or so I felt finished with the experience.
Partially because instanced PvP I think has improved a lot over the years and that’s the only real end game for me. And partially because I had no earthly idea how I was going to afford an epic mount.