Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

shoulder armor is notorious for defying gravity, don’t you know? gnome body 1 genuinely suuuuuucks for shoulder mogs.

Armor looks gorgeous on drac visages. It’s why I am eternally grateful I can fight in visage form on my Drac hunter.

It’s a shame that a for a lot of races armor genuinely looks horrible on them. Worgen come to mind. They’re soo hard to find mogs for


Mogs are genuinely why I mained Dreadmoore for years.
Only really playing my forsaken to kill nelf players in wpvp tbh.
also cause I missed the Horde I guess.


drag visages really have redefined the standard for me in terms of customization, and i don’t even hate the models; i just wish their degree of care was ported to other races as well. male gnomes and humans should get piercing* and tat options, undead males and dwarf females should get beards imho

lol ‘pricing options’


missing the horde of old is such a mood


The fact that fem dwarfs don’t have a sexy beard option when Earthen do is a head scratcher. And the forsaken are one of the WORST ingame when it comes to customization options. They feel soo limited compared to everyone else.

A race that has recruited all kinds of undead over the years, you would think they’d have a wider arrange of looks to pick from.

Edit: Pricing Options was hilarious Here Ser, here is your Mc’donalds when you ordered a Wendys :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


dwarf women in general are just hugely underrated. and yeah, mechagnomes and forsaken really should have some limb choices. honestly i’m still scratching my head as to why all facial features are chosen at once or why we don’t have a height scale, but it’s possible that there are technical limitations of which i’m ignorant. at least the mog options are pretty good.


It’s hilarious that you mention this, I was playing around on my Worgen Priest and noticed the new set:

https:// imgur. com/a/7Rah87k (not able to post links, but you can remove the spaces)



edit: Just an fyi “`” placed before and after locks the link and should let you post it without cutting it.



Ooo! I didn’t know this!

Thank you, I appreciate it! :sparkling_heart:


Learn something new everyday! I’m still sad I lost my privelages to post links and pics with that last forum update a while back


Feel like I’m slowing with age. My birthday is tomorrow and between then and the Spooktacular Day of Splendor I’d reliably go to wild parties or take a crazy trip.

And today I went out to lunch. Which was nice don’t get me wrong. Caught up with a good friend I see too little of. But I want to appease the gods of death and chaos that rule when the veil between realms is the thinniest still. Before I have to worry about back pain and hair loss.

Maybe I’ll take off the weekend and just have a completely catastrophic Thursday. But most of my uh, party buddies, are dead, imprisoned or cut out of my life because they turned out to have serious problems.

Man aging sucks.


Can I just say how funny it is that to help you solo Kel’thuzad in SoD, Blizzard made it so that Arfus, the doggo pet from the Headless Horseman comes in and tanks the ‘upstairs’ for you.

I don’t know if Blizzard wanted it to be funny that Kel’thuzad is defeated by a dog, as he is a cat person. Or they wanted to have some hidden meaning since Arfus is named after Arthas. With text for Arfus being “There must always be a Lick King”. Imagine if the soul fragment of Arthas we see in the Anduin defeat cinematic got reincarnated somewhat into Arfus.


I’m not that old (I guess that’s relative, though) but suffering chronic pain since my mid to late teens was like a crash course for aging pains, so any new aches I usually (and probably wrongfully) attribute to pre-existing conditions rather than the inevitable marching of time.

That being said, as I reclusive forest dwelling super hermit I feel like I’m of the authority to say it’s really not so bad to live a slow and less frantic existence without benders and hangovers and umpteen regrets, especially as you age. You kind’ve get used to having slow and fulfilling hobbies and finding joy in slowness and relaxation, even if it’s a little boring (or lonely) from time to time.

Until then though, Party on! :metal:

All that to say: Happy Birthday Bene! :tada: :partying_face:


happy birthday mr Benediktion


mazel. also, word.


Happy birthday, Ben!

And also, a little common sense intruding is normal. And dare I say, healthy.


Happy Birthday Benediction.

May your days be many and filled with the happiness you need.



You get to an age where waking up in a strange ditch just isn’t fun anymore.


Happy birthday Bene! Power to the Forsaken.