Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

So, I finally got the Conquest achieve done and got my Conq weapon. 75 conquest away from the cap. Not sure if I should spend it, or keep it after capping.

Any advice?

Iā€™ve just been saving up for the big expenses. Iā€™ve my helm and robe. Next week will probably be pants. Then shoulders, boots and so on down the line.

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Man, the 2 week vacation I took this month killed my desire to play when I got back.

I dunno why. I was having a decent chunk of fun.

I initially really was down on BG Blitz Arathi Basin and Deepwind Gorge. Until I realized my true power wasnā€™t to constantly rotate but to single handedly hold the line.

Just at Shrine like;


Iā€™ve got my helm and pants from warmode. Almost have everything else as conquest. Waiting for my jeweler to make my necklace for me.

I need more people to WPvP with. I play Oracle Disc which isnā€™t great for solo WPvP unless you can annoy people for points.

Guess I could try Shadow but honestly being able to use Voidweaver Disc for PvE has been great. Shadowā€™s aesthstic is great but if Iā€™m casting Iā€™d prefer Destro or Frost, something with more explosions.

Iā€™ll start leveling my warrior! Is fury good in wpvp this expansion? Is it fun? If not Iā€™ll go full hipster and just stay prot.

Fury was one of the few specs that scared me earlier on but they mayā€™ve been nerfed a bit. Or I got better after switching to Oracle and figuring out how Premonition works. Or both.

Either way Iā€™ve not played an expansion where Warrior isnā€™t at least A Tier in PvP on either Arms of Fury.

Personally Iā€™ve been having fun with MM Hunter. Youā€™re pretty dependent on Trueshot but you can do absurd damage in that window and with Sniper Shot do so at hilarious ranges. That combined with Camouflage makes it one hell of an ambush predator.

I donā€™t like playing the burst window so Iā€™m not loving SV hunter this expansion. I miss my sick sustain and mobility focused skirmisher. :frowning: I assume it lost some of that in DF so this is probably irrelevant at this point but I basically gave up on hunter pvp and started focusing on tanking dungeons with my monk. But I will ALWAYS be a prot/fury warrior enthusiast.

Iā€™m on discord as Savagemaw#1850

If anyone from the story forums wants to play or chat. Unfortunately I go back out to sea for a month tomorrow so I wonā€™t be able to do much except maybe gathering for that time.

Iā€™ve been lucky enough that Disc has been strong in every expansion but SL when they made Holy the better DPS healer spec, somehow. Man that Censure, Power Word: Death slapped as an execution move though.

Beyond Priest though I havenā€™t been married to any class. Iā€™ve played with Warrior, Rogue, Warlock, Hunter, Death Knight and more recently Druid but none really grabbed me.

I love the fantasy of SV hunter but it rarely feels right. Iā€™m always a warrior. ALWAYS. But brew master monkā€™s playstyle is usually more forgiving for me so I like to have it early on to learn the dungeons. The damage mitigation clicks for my ADHD brain.

Honestly I think you just explained why I love Disc. Itā€™s a very active spec where you always have to keep Atonement up. You also have to kind of read the enemy and guess when a burst is coming to make the best use of spells like Rapture and Dome of Light (I refuse to call it barrier, itā€™s first name was perfect because itā€™s literally a DOME OF LIGHT).

And the class fantasy is just neat. You weave together the primordial forces of creation and entropy to safeguard the righteous and purge the wicked. Hell is there a spell thatā€™s cooler looking than Ultimate Penance? You ascend to the sky with wings and carpet bomb everything with laser bolts like an angelic Apache attack helicopter.


BM has been a ton of fun in random BGs. Durable enough to be a pain but sometimes needs assistance in actually killing decently geared players.

Or I just have really bad days. Which is also plausible. Iā€™m still having a blast either way though. Most fun Iā€™ve had in a while. Well, besides my moonfire bear. Which I been too lazy to level

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I may be switching to BM because skinning on SV is a pain. I donā€™t have all the pulls I used to have

Also, SV feels ā€œsuperā€ squishy

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SV is plays like a rogue without stealth. At least it seems that way to me. If you can get a jump on someone, and your abilities crit, ouch. They can hit for a ton. Iā€™ve seen SV hunters drop people in a few lucky hits.

But youā€™re right. They do die really easy. I think itā€™s the lack of Oh ish, time to bail buttons compared to Marks and BM

Not one but two Arena weeklies.



The Scarecrow costume is impossibly perfect for my Hunter. Heā€™s a former Defias bandit from Westfall who was killed when he was captured in Southshore and hanged not long before the Forsakenā€™s invasion of it.

It also pairs amazingly with the BFA Forsaken Blight rifle, the green Defilerā€™s tabard and to top it off he already has the glowing green eyes option and a green darkhound.

Which makes me slightly bitter this outfit wasnā€™t just for me. Because Iā€™ll never top this professionally made necro-rural aesthetic no matter how hard I try and Iā€™ve had a version of this character around since BFA so I have tried.


I absolutely adore the new Scarecrow outfit. I been using it on my Darkfallen hunter. Itā€™s my first major Halloween outfit and itā€™s amazing


Iā€™m getting a lot of use outā€™ve the skycaptainā€™s outfit from last month. Pairs nicely with the blue halo from Naxx and the prestigious ivory courser Iā€™ve been using as a mount.

My usual Forsaken field apothecary outfit replete with vicious black bonesteed just didnā€™t feel appropriate when battling mixed crowds. Thatā€™s for slaughtering the Alliance occasions specifically.