Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

So, I really love Hallowfall. It’s easily my fav zone out of all so far, and I decided Hallowfall renown is the one I’m gonna probably work on the most. Best as I can anyway. Few things I want, mainly the Imperial Lynx and a tabard and shoulder mog at the higher renown levels.

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I like the ‘day / night’ cycle. Actually gives a legitimate sense of foreboding when the world randomly turns purple.

Azj’Kahet is probably my favorite though. I came into Legion too late to experience most of Suramar so for me this semi hostile city zone is still very novel.


I am disappointed that the crab pet is named Claudius and not “Clawdius”

Blizzard often goes with such word play, especially with pets.


I’m working on the end game campaign that’s out at the moment, haven’t done any of the side quests in azh-kahet

I did the other side quests in the other zones because they all tied into the story of the zone. Will I be missing anything important if I skip the last zone side quests?

You’ll miss all the Harronir content there is so far and fun asides about Nerubian society. Beyond that there’s more Arathi counterattack stuff and an aside about the Venture Co’s mining operations.


Forgot about the harronir quest stuff. Guess it is worth doing after the I finish the end game campaign that’s currently out

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I did make it to the end of the campaign.

I’ll have to go back for Hallowfell and Spidertown sidequests, but I also wanted to have my rock robot dwarf as soon as my gametime and sanity permits.

Might be a paladin though I actually have a fairly high number of Horde paladins.

I absolutely adore being a monk in questing because without exception, my solution to problems is to punch them. Which is extra funny when I’m saving NPCs with magical powers and whoops, up comes a short lady to bludgeon the danger with her bare fists you’re welcome everyone.


Hmm, the Trading Post is pretty lackluster this month. The mount reward is fun though!

I know it’s mostly Plunderstorm re-color but what’s with the frequency of pirate themed stuff? Am I missing something? Does everyone just really love pirate themes and I just never noticed?

I wonder why they’re adding higher res versions of crappy starter gear to the Post.

Was anyone really that attached to their 3-sticks bound together staff look?


Probably something to do with the various social media sites I don’t engage with… for why the dev’s wanted to do it.

Though I will say I do know some people who really liked the mogs. I wasn’t impressed and was even less impressed with the gameplay, then again, I haven’t cared about pvp in literally decades.

I’m definitely into it and I liked Plunderstorm well enough… it’s probably because September has “Talk Like A Pirate Day” in it, so there’s a vitally important holiday to celebrate.

That being said, as usual, I’ll probably buy the mount then curse my lack of more tenders. Oh well.


Ah yes! That actually makes perfect sense now!


I was like… aren’t there 100 of these on the AH for less than a gold? It looks like the staves I skip over when I am looking through options for transmog.


You know what I would jump for? HD remake of Emil’s Staff. Put this in the trading post, blizzard.

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is alliance bias gone yet?

I bought the axes mogs in case we get Amani down the line in Midnight.

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What an unfortunate name for a cat.

Tomorrow comes Earthen folks happy alting to you.

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I wasn’t initially keen on Earthen but I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how much I like them playing through TWW.

Not sure if I’ll permanently alt one but my need for being a completionist will probably have me at least maxing one for the heritage set achievement.

Who else will be rolling one? What class? :slight_smile:


Warrior or mage for sure.

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