Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

After that cinematic, almost want to make an Earthen named Yankee or DaddyYankee since he was yanking on that chain.

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All I want to know is if Earthen can go through the stealth section of Operation Mechagon without doing the actual stealth. I mean they shouldn’t trigger the bots since they have no flesh on them.

Just looked at the Whacka’s dialogue: Only the Paper Mario 64 Whacka says “Don’t hit me!” while the Thousand Year Door Whacka(at least in the Switch Remake) says “Direct Hit!”

The Thousand Year Door Whacka may have been trained for Whack-A-Mole Games and expects People to play it on a regular basis! No wonder he is unharmed from the bonks to the head! The state of the other ones is unknown yet they clearly can’t take the hits and either flee or die(the game doesn’t tell us).

As for his bad memory… Clearly it has nothing to do with getting hit on the head as he is coherent after 7 Hits when you meet him in the Pit of A Thousand Trials and is coherent after the battle. Perhaps it has to do with repeating the same thing on a regular basis waiting for someone to play Whack-A-Mole on him.

So last week I watch both dune movies again. And I take back what I said about them. They’re actually really great movies. Better than the original dune movie that’s for sure :blush:

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Not really. I mean at least the Green-party tackles on real problems like getting the earth less polluted.

That’s kind of a you problem if you think anybody who isn’t voting your favorite president is bad.

People have the right to vote for whoever they want for. It’s called Freedom to vote, prehaps you heard of it. The government don’t make it a hard requirement for you to vote for anybody or at all.

Ya know, i saw a video not to long ago of a black woman in a video zoom meeting with 10 or so other black people, admitting she voted for Harris because she’s black. And ya want to know what their reaction? Facepalms and lesson time.

You shouldn’t have to vote because of their skin color (and gender,race,sexuality, etc etc), you should vote because of their merits or what they bring to the table.

Even if the skins are swapped here, the person you’re talking too would still pick Jill Stein for that reason.

Citation needed on that claim, as well Project 2025.

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Man I would kill to see a WoW movie in this style. A Harryhausen animated Onxyia would be amazing.


I’m not broaching her topic, I’m not versed on what Project 2025 is stated to do against women.

But Trump said you’d never need to vote again if you get him back into office.

Does that not concern you?

“In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”


Same, i keep on hearing about this and rarely seen it elaborated on.

And quite honestly, i did found the official website, but it’s giving me the run around of “Oh contact us”. Meanwhile every other website either seem to have a biased take and/or doesn’t source back to where they get it from.

ALSO meanwhile, there’s also trump saying he doesn’t know about project 2025 or want to distance it?

I did trace who wrote it back to Kevin Roberts, PhD atfer being confused about if atfer finding a PDF file of it (in it’s 922 page glory). But unsure if it’s all connected to that website.

I can’t say i am considering i have no idea what he meant here tbh. And considering i didn’t even vote for anybody the last time.

I think that’s on him to explain more on that one.

All i did know is he said that to Christians.

I think that it is beyond frightening that he declared “you won’t have to vote again” because “It will be fixed.”

And he’s said several times he’ll be a dictator.

And he received almost 20 million dollars from North Korea while sitting as President.

I mean you’re welcome to have that. I wasn’t planning to vote Trump anyways. If anything, i’m pretty hestiant to vote for any primary these days thanks to my peers. :unamused:

I’ll personally just wait until i know more of this honestly vague statement. Because looking up on this only gives me biased takes on this, and i yet to hear it be explained by the guy himself, or at least the conservatives.

Hold up, you’re talking about the Electoral College?

If you want to read the whole thing, you can find it on their website

…it is 900+ pages though. So it is best to look up a synopsis.

TL;DR it reads like someone read the Handmaid’s Tale and thought that be a great place to take things in 2025.


I think that’s what trump meant. But all he said to the Christian group was If you vote for me, just this one time, you’ll never need to vote again. We’re going to fix it and this country real good

I mean, there’s two possible meanings to what he said. Either he wants to fix it so everyone’s vote actually matters or….the other line of thought is terrifying

Oh it is the real thing. Ty.

Gotcha. :+1:

Getting rid of it? :thinking:

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Certaintly seems to be his intention judging by what he said.

We should all be worried honestlly

Ahh. I might have to look more into this much later on then.


After having read it, this is a pretty good summary. Though I would add a bit from 1984. I’m not sure which part was more disturbing the proposed limiting on women’s rights or the detention/concentration camps for migrants.

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Don’t forget about January 6th too, where he tried to lead a coup on the capitol to have his lost election overturned. The only reason why he wasn’t there himself was because the secret service refused to drive him over. He still denies the results and insists it’s illegitimate and stolen.

Him saying “you won’t have to vote again” tracks if he thinks he can make himself stay in.


I am lost for words the fact that there are people who actually still believe that. The man thinks everytime he loses it is ‘rigged’ against him. Even the freaking emmys. THE EMMYS. Who gives a toss about the emmys? Hell in the 2016 primaries he cried that it was rigged whenever he didn’t win a state. Such as when he lost Iowa’s caucus to Ted Cruz. Even when he won the nomination he still said Iowa was rigged against him.


y’know the worst part of american politics is even if you live elsewhere, it will effect you