Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I mean the Pope really screwed up by saying dogs go to heaven. Because if that’s the case so to did my 4 rats, 1 cat and 5 and counting dogs.

Probably for the best though because I’d be on whatever side they are, ready to yell;

And I’m only 31. Providing I continue longer I’ll have a whole spiritual zoo to throw at people.


Now this a BG3 song but it sums up why I love the Horde;

I’m just such a sucker for the found-family-of-misfits trope. Probably because that’s just my life. I actually have a great relationship with my parents and mixed to positive with my extended family. But I’m still an only child so at 31 my closest friends are a Greek mechanic, a Persian psychiatrist, an African American theology professor and a Chinese-Canadian sex worker / actress.

So the idea of a bunch of completely unrelated mfers teaming up to deal with life’s nonsense is more what I’d call Tuesday.

Seriously it does not compute hanging out with a homogeneous group.

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Some of the best people I’ve known were those who were fellow outcasts.

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That’s where you think he screwed up?

I’m being flippant, of course. If there be a heaven, all beings are beyond humans for gaining access. I break from my Buddhist dogma in that.

e: I’m also Theravadin, and the idea of heavens is pretty much a Mahayana thing, but I’m sure you get my point.

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Reading up on matters of the Universe I have noticed that it’s etymology has Combined into One.

Basically the Universe is the sum of our Plane of Existence so a Multiverse would be the sum of multiple Planes of Existence and thus the Omniverse therefore is the sum of all Planes of Existence!

I’ve listened to that audio drama. Good stuff (poor Tarsus, though).

I’ve played Warhammer for awhile. Back in Fantasy, one of my first armies was Dark Elves (or Druchii).


Thadeus, you are a classic case of dog farts.

They are things that happen, but they really shouldn’t happen.

Surprised I’m a Warhammer fan? Why?

Haven’t heard that expression before; are you joking, insulting or complimenting me?

I would like Orcs more if Blizzard would stop putting out story where they are evil no matter corruption or not. WoD and WC2 tarnished it all.

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WoD I particularly loathe because I thought the idea was Orcs were pretty chill before the Legion tricked and enslaved them.

It made for some much needed nuance. Because despite the evil wrought by the Orcs, they were also victims in a cosmic war that was brought to their homes by galactic colonists.

But nah nevermind turns out they were just itching for a genocide. Hell the Mag’Har make their demonic corrupted chrono twins look downright relaxed.

I also of course loathed the Forsaken being one dimensional baddies in BFA. I’m not only okay with but support the Forsaken using dark magic and dirty tactics. They’re literally mutant bioweapons that can heal by eating the dead. But there’s usually an undertone of enduring humanity that makes them really interesting. The Forsaken are at their most intriguing to me when they’re doing mundane ish like gardening. Because there’s a delightful juxtaposition at play there.

It’s really baffling. Blizz broke new ground by making the scary fantasy races actual people who you could imagine being neighbors and even friends with. Then inexplicably decided they were better off as the typical fantasy bad guy fodder.


As much as I dunk on BFA and Shadowlands (and will until the heat death of the universe or my timer runs out), I have no regrets about WOD being the pack I lived someplace where the internet was too awful for WoW.

“All orcs are looking for is an excuse (and not necessarily a good one) to go on an omnicidal rampage” is not my favorite bit of lore.


This is not Warhammer, so they can’t become this massive green blob that is out for violence no matter the situation aka they reproduce so fast killing an entire army would never affect them unlike our Orcs who lost too much in wars they could never win.

The old guard looking around and seeing the world changing with them no longer knowing their place… then the Legion shows up and offers them the chance to return those old “glory days” when the Orcs were “great”… all at the price of those “weak, foolish” children who don’t know what it really means to be an Orc…

:thinking: Actually that sounds like a certain trend in real world politics…

So instead of us getting Orcs that were moving on with life and trying to find a less violent path to the future we get “green Brutes that can’t function when not hitting stuff…”


Kinda wish the Orcs were like this, so than they and us wouldn’t have to feel bad when a good old fashioned Waagh! happens out of nowhere.

But alas, blizz can’t make up their minds on what version of Orcs they want to portray


Now I want a Warcraft vs Warhammer game…

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I prefer some nuance, but thanks to WOD, a lot of potentially interesting and complicated discussion about culpability is… Less interesting.


I find myself asking “Who is this for?”.

I’m okay with playing the villain. Some of my characters are capitol E Evil and they’re honestly the most fun to RP. It’s fun to cut loose and just say the most vile and deranged things you can conjure up. But most of my characters, whom are obviously Forsaken, skew good to neutral. Because that’s how most people are.

Kinda hard to go along with a merciless dictator when there’s no apparent trade off. I’m not trying to bothsides this but there are actual reasons normal people at least initially thought folks like Hitler and Stalin we’re A+ dudes.

Not so here where Sylvanas was both completely evil and completely failing. So it felt like siding with the N@ZIs as the Red Army was shelling Berlin.

And it’s not terribly interesting for the Alliance either. I like writing nuanced characters with interesting motivations ranging from the personal, political and pragmatic. Kinda hard to do that when no matter how reprehensible I write a character at least they’re not beating orphans to death with stray kittens.


Warhammer is so ridiculously overpowered it’s not even funny. The void lords? They would be just low level minions to the Chaos Gods.

Jaina? A mid grade pyscher at best. The legion? Khorne alone would just keep getting more powerful the more worlds and people the legion killed.

Warcraft wouldn’t last 5 minutes against even the weakest of the Warhammer universe


Oh I’m aware… lore wise Warcraft isn’t even a nuisance it’s just the bug that splatted on the window in a rainstorm…

However… I remember the Dawn of War games and those were fun, the first more than the later ones. Those reworked the balance to make the game something interesting.


Tzeentch has a crippling weakness though:

Codex: Chaos Daemons (8th Edition), pp. 47, 92 states that Tzeentch’s Body and Mind was shattered and that his Blue Scribes are putting him back together as the Tomes and Scrolls they have in their possession.

The Blue Scribes’ Scrolls and Tomes are Tzeentch and thus while he is also his Realm his mind is the Scrolls and Tomes so destroying them is the same as killing Tzeentch although killing him might risk Magnus taking over in his place.

Magnus would go from Raid Boss level to Universal Threat level within minutes due to becoming one with the Realm of the Sorcerer.

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