Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Please tell me. How does a person forget they left the shower and bath running until the poor downstairs neighbor has water flowing into their bathroom and kitchen?

30 minutes later, after I got said neighbor to shut it off and her going ‘OMG! I forgot!’, water buildup decided to pour into my master bedroom. Thankfully, it missed my bed and dresser. But I have nice water damage in my ceiling.

Not your normal Lounge topic, but I had to spew here and in-game and a few other places. Better than wringing my neighbor’s neck.

Well, I’ve canceled my sub. I’ve been considering it for a while now just because I haven’t playing very much. I may stop in onto the forums every now and then just to see if people are finding new things to talk about. I hope everyone keeps having fun.

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My boyfriend had most of his furniture stored in his parent’s basement. Since it’s been raining since like October, their basement flooded a couple of months ago. They waited until over a week after the fact to tell him.

I believe it’s the development of the bottle combined with transportation costs and people’s willingness to spend that much on individual bottles of water. They’re a lot cheaper if you buy them by the pack.

I don’t know the name of the Voljin meets the Lich King, Bwonsamdi, etc quest otherwise I’d google it. How do I get this quest?

I pops up at the top of the pyramid once you’ve done enough of the War Campaign and Zandi stuff.

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Hmm, I’ll have to go back and double check. I’ve done everything up to 8.2 regarding the War Campaign tho, unlocked Z trolls. Even done the Baina-Derek stuff.

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thanks bb

Until then, Daniel. I hardly knew ye.:disappointed_relieved:

Recently discovered what Crusader Kings is and here I find a warcraft mod. I don’t have CK 2 yet, but apparently this mod has Qiraji you can ally with! :heart_eyes: Plan on getting this game soon!

So I need Exalted with Zanda to continue the story chain. I think that’s going to take another week minimum.

The Bug Blox from KH Coded are Noise I.E. the Enemies from The World Ends With You!

To think that the Noise debuted in TWEWY the year prior to KH Coded… Furthermore it’s stated that Noise are Data! TWEWY’s Shibuya is now a simulation testing if people can change with the plan to delete the simulation if people are unchangeable!

Could TWEWY have been an attempt by Joshua to see if his replicate his friends plan using Rhyme’s memories would work I.E. if Data can become people? If so than Joshua learned the same lesson Mickey, Donald and Goofy learned in Coded!

As for who the Reapers of the real Shibuya are… Obviously it’s the Liches from KH3 which means all participants of the Reapers Game lost against the Heartless(we’ve seen the Mushrooms play games so obviously the Liches doing the same is not surprising)!

Furthermore TWEWY’s World has the town of Shinjuku deleted by unknown entities…

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So the answer to what I pondered in that lgbt thread is they do not recognise sarcasm.

Well, I’m a happy person. New expansion coming for SW:ToR

In addition to that information, Nautolans will be a playable race. Can’t wait to play in September.

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Speaking of Star Wars: Episode 9’s trailer seems to imply that Rey and Darth Sidious/Sheev Palpatine are both Skywalkers(in all likelihood Rey is Sidious’s daughter just like Anakin is his son)…

The trailer also implies Sidious is coming back. Sorry Luke but the Mask of Vader should have been tossed into a star as Sidious had learned the secrets of the Sith Lord Momin and would attempt to possess the clothing of the guy killing him!

Of course that means that Sidious is smarter though not stronger than Snoke who apparently accessed the source of the Dark Side that was calling out to Sidious.

Of course once Sidious gains access to this same power he’ll become stronger than Snoke due to his wisdom and knowledge.

Going to love the Lightsaber Duels including the ones involving the Force Ghosts. Hopefully the Father of Mortis shows up alongside Ahsoka, Ezra and Yoda to face the Dark Side’s origin while Anakin destroys Sidious first bringing Balance long enough for the Dark Side’s origin to be killed.

Of course we must wonder what is the source of the Dark Side? JJ Abrams helped the SWTOR writers make Knights of the Fallen Empire so the source of the Dark Side is likely the Immortal Emperor Valkorion.

Not really a big Star Wars fan, but the one thing that really pissed me off about Swtor was revealing Revan’s identity beneath the mask. Should have just kept the character entirely ambiguous.

Even if Kotor was to be made into a show or movie, just plop a helmet on the actor and give them a voice changer that doesn’t sound super dumb.

I would prefer for there to be multiple Darth Revans walking around. Darth Revan would be made into a legend because of all the people using the name.

Obviously it would be funny if a Time Traveling Ezra thinks he’s cornered the Darth Revan only to come face to face with a disguised Grand Admiral Thrawn after the time traveling Grand Admiral had finished slashing a different Darth Revan’s forehead giving him/her a scar as well as amnesia due to brain damage.

Thrawn would hopefully have good enough sword training to compensate for his lack of Force Sensitivity. He’d also hopefully have Force Pike technology built into his Revan Costume so that he can levitate, choke and electrocute his enemies at will without needing the Force.

Just passing by, keeping the lounge afloat !

Aslo PTR restarted maybe they will be shut down soon !

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Very soon.