The night elves of Darnassus have asked for help in restoring an Ancient of the Arcane, who found itself trapped in Tempest Keep. Frightened by the recent attack by Kael’thas Sunstrider’s forces, the Warp Splinter is unable to differentiate friend from foe and is liable to attack any who disturb it.
Not long ago, I was approached by a kaldorei druidess with a touching request. And plenty of gold, of course!
It would appear that the forces of Darnassus wish to restore an ancient of the arcane known as Warp Splinter. The giant tree has been confused or corrupted, I’m not certain, but you’ll find it inside of the Botanica at Tempest Keep.
She said that all they would need to regrow him was a small clipping.
Aw, you did get it! It’s so tiny. And yet, when the druids are done with it – a process I am told will take a very long time – Warp Splinter will be regrown anew.
"Hard to believe that the druids think they can regrow such a massive ancient from such a small twig."
I was going to say maybe he’ll be some crotchety ancient annoyed at these young whippersnappers dropping plague on his lawn later in the expansion or in another one.
Check your E-mail. They specifically quote the reason you got suspended so you can share it with your friends and laugh at it. I have a HUGE popular thread on my guild forum for all my suspensions.
It’s such a shame that the ancients are props instead of actual characters. We don’t really interact with any ancients enough for them to have personalities beyond “talking tree”.
Threads don’t cap anymore, so maybe we should just sticky this one to the top of the forum.
It was originally posted in General, but some GM decided to throw it in the trash (Lore Forum) rather than seeing it bumped over and over. The OP is especially aggressive and bananas, and almost certainly trolling, so it’s a good example of the type of thread.
I actually did and there was nothing there. I never received an email about the second time and it was reversed a day or so later. I have no idea what it was about.
Hopefully they can show the Ankora as allied race material. Let the Alliance have them and the Junker Gnomes, while the Horde can get some foxes and snakes on the red team!